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Fatal error: exception Ctype.Unify(0) #5431

vicuna opened this issue Oct 12, 2002 · 2 comments

Fatal error: exception Ctype.Unify(0) #5431

vicuna opened this issue Oct 12, 2002 · 2 comments


Copy link

vicuna commented Oct 12, 2002

Original bug ID: 1431
Reporter: administrator
Status: closed
Resolution: fixed
Priority: normal
Severity: minor
Category: ~DO NOT USE (was: OCaml general)

Bug description

Full_Name: Yoriyuki Yamagata
Version: 3.06
OS: Linux 2.4.18 i686 unknown
Submission from: (

During the compilation, ocamlc and ocamlopt raise uncaught exception
Ctype.Unify(0)exception Out_of_range

The following module causes the problem. (I can't reproduce the
problem using more simpler modules.) Changing Line 189
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* module begins here. *)
class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string

The following modules causes this problem. (I can't reproduce this problem
using more simpler modules.) Changing the line 192
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* The module begins *)
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);
endDuring the compilation, ocamlc and ocamlopt raise uncaught exception
Ctype.Unify(0)exception Out_of_range

The following module causes the problem. (I can't reproduce the
problem using more simpler modules.) Changing Line 189
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* module begins here. *)
class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string

The following modules causes this problem. (I can't reproduce this problem
using more simpler modules.) Changing the line 192
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* The module begins *)
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
(* module ends here *)During the compilation, ocamlc and ocamlopt raise uncaught
Ctype.Unify(0)exception Out_of_range

The following module causes the problem. (I can't reproduce the
problem using more simpler modules.) Changing Line 189
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* module begins here. *)
class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string

The following modules causes this problem. (I can't reproduce this problem
using more simpler modules.) Changing the line 192
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 :> uchar storage)
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 : #ustorage :> uchar storage)
resolves the problem.

(* The module begins *)
exception Out_of_range

class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool

class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit

class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit

module UChar =

type t = int

let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1

let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range

let of_char = Char.code

let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range

let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range

let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n


type uchar = UChar.t

let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n

class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor

class type ustorage = [uchar] storage

class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base

module UText =

(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n

let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
(* module ends here *)

let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)

let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s

class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)

class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u

class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)

let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf

let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s

let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)

let copy s = s#copy

let sub s start len = s#sub start len

let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done

let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u

let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)

let iter proc s = s#iter proc

class utext = UText.text
class ustring = UText.string
(* module ends here *)

Copy link

vicuna commented Oct 15, 2002

Comment author: administrator

Full_Name: Yoriyuki Yamagata
Version: 3.06

During the compilation, ocamlc and ocamlopt raise uncaught exception
Ctype.Unify(0)exception Out_of_range

Thanks for your detailed report.
The problem was due to your reuse of the name cursor in several types.
I've fixed the CVS so that it will not expand cursor in #cursor when
#cursor is not the opened type associated with cursor, but this is
only safe fix (I don't see any easy way to get to the right #t in all

This is in CVS, and you programs compiles ok.


Copy link

vicuna commented Oct 15, 2002

Comment author: administrator

Fixed by JG 2002-10-15

@vicuna vicuna closed this as completed Oct 15, 2002
@vicuna vicuna added the bug label Mar 19, 2019
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