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Module Gc

The Gc module lets one obtain statistics about the heap and gives control over its evolution as well as allowing the activation of various garbage collector phases. Two concrete record types are defined: stat and control. The fields of type control are modifiable; whereas those of stat are not. The latter simply reflect the state of the heap at a given moment.

The fields of a stat mainly contain counters indicating: The fields of the record control are: Functions manipulating the types stat and control are given in figure 9.13.

stat unit -> stat
print_stat out_channel -> unit
get unit ® control
set control -> unit

Figure 9.13: Control and statistical functions for the heap.

The following functions, of type unit -> unit, force the execution of one or more stages of the Objective CAML garbage collector: minor (stage 1), major (stages 1 and 2), full_major (stages 1, 2 and 3) and compact (stages 1, 2, 3 and 4).


Here is what the Gc.stat call shows:

# Gc.stat();;
- : Gc.stat =
{Gc.minor_words=549290; Gc.promoted_words=60620; Gc.major_words=204615;
Gc.minor_collections=17; Gc.major_collections=2; Gc.heap_words=190464;
Gc.heap_chunks=3; Gc.live_words=52727; Gc.live_blocks=12959;
Gc.free_words=31155; Gc.free_blocks=84; Gc.largest_free=17899;
Gc.fragments=3; Gc.compactions=0}

We see the number of executions of each phase: minor garbage collection, major garbage collection, compaction, as well as the number of words handled by the different memory spaces. Calling compact forces the four stages of the garbage collector, causing the heap statistics to be modified (see the call of Gc.stat).

# Gc.compact();;
- : unit = ()
# Gc.stat();;
- : Gc.stat =
{Gc.minor_words=555758; Gc.promoted_words=61651; Gc.major_words=205646;
Gc.minor_collections=18; Gc.major_collections=4; Gc.heap_words=190464;
Gc.heap_chunks=3; Gc.live_words=130637; Gc.live_blocks=30770;
Gc.free_words=59827; Gc.free_blocks=1; Gc.largest_free=59827;
Gc.fragments=0; Gc.compactions=1}

The fields GC.minor_collections and compactions are incremented by 1, whereas the field Gc.major_collections is incremented by 2. All of the fields of type GC.control are modifiable. For them to be taken into account, we must use the function Gc.set, which takes a value of type control and modifies the behavior of the garbage collector.

For example, the field verbose may take a value from 0 to 127, controlling 7 different indicators.

# c.Gc.verbose <- 31;;
Characters 1-2:
This expression has type int * int but is here used with type Gc.control
# Gc.set c;;
Characters 7-8:
This expression has type int * int but is here used with type Gc.control
# Gc.compact();;
- : unit = ()

which prints:
<>Starting new major GC cycle
allocated_words = 329
extra_heap_memory = 0u
amount of work to do = 3285u
Marking 1274 words
!Starting new major GC cycle
Compacting heap...
The different phases of the garbage collector are indicated as well as the number of objects processed.

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