Lazy evaluation and caml-light

Christophe Raffalli (
Wed, 3 Nov 93 19:37:23 GMT

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 19:37:23 GMT
Message-Id: <>
From: Christophe Raffalli <>
In-Reply-To: <> (
Subject: Lazy evaluation and caml-light

The problem in your program is this function~:

let rec recursive sb sd=selec({state=Evaluated (append true sb)},sd,
F(fun ()->distr2(sb,{state=Evaluated (recursive sb sd)})));;

With the recursive call you compute an infinite number of time the value of
(recusive sb sd) !!!!!

Here is a better way to write the same program:

type 'a stream_aux = Str of ('a * 'a stream)
| Unevaluated of (unit -> 'a stream)
| Not_Ready (* use for fix_point only *)

and 'a stream == 'a stream_aux ref;;

let rec Eval p = p := Eval' !p; !p
where Eval' = function
Str _ as s -> s
| Unevaluated f -> Eval (f ())
| Not_Ready -> raise (Failure "Can't evaluate any more")

let fix_point f =
let fp = ref Not_Ready in
fp := !(f fp);

let append x ls = ref (Str (x,ls));; (* not usefull *)
let append' x f a = ref (Str(x, ref (Unevaluated (fun () -> f a))));;
let stop_eval f a = ref (Unevaluated (fun () -> f a));;

let rec selec (f,g,h) =
match (Eval f) with Str (sf,rf) ->
if sf then
match (Eval g) with Str(sg,rg) -> append' sg selec (rf,rg,h)
match (Eval h) with Str(sh,rh) -> append' sh selec (rf,g,rh);;

let rec distr2 (f,g)=
let (Str(sf,rf)) = (Eval f) and (Str(sg,rg)) = (Eval g) in
if not sf then
append' sg distr2 (rf,rg)
distr2 (rf,rg);;

let rec recursive (sb,sd) =
fix_point f where
f = function x -> selec (
(append true sb),sd,
stop_eval distr2 (sb,x))

let rec strinf =fun []->failwith "lista vacia" | (a::b)-> append' a strinf b;;

let rec l1=false::false::false::false::false::true::true::false::false::true::l1;;
let rec l2=1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::l2;;
let s1=stop_eval strinf l1;;
let s2=stop_eval strinf l2;;
let s3=recursive (s1,s2);;

let rec get s = function
0 -> ()
| n -> match (Eval s) with Str (sf,rf) ->
print_int sf; print_string " "; get rf (n -1)