
Pierre Weis (
Tue, 20 Dec 1994 16:33:59 +0100 (MET)

From: Pierre Weis <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: camlwin
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 16:33:59 +0100 (MET)

Date: Tue, 20 Dec 94 16:02:07 +0100
Subject: Camlwin v0.7

Hello everybody,

A new contribution for the Caml Light system is now available by anonymous
ftp from:

The files are:
- camlwin.tar.Z -> the sources of camlwin. Shared for all the
operating systems.
- windows.tar.Z -> the sources for the X11 windows interface.
- -> executable files for dos.
- -> executable files for Windos.
- -> postscript file for the french documentation.
In the near future, I will post the english reference manual in the
same directory.

What is camlwin?
Camlwin is a graphical interface, written in caml. Its main interest is its
ability to compile the same source code for many systems.
For the time being, you can use it under:
+ DOS,
+ Windows,
+ X11 and unix.
and it will be available soon for OS2.

The idea is to provide a small interface with the graphical host system.
This library is written in C in the ``windows'' module.
It is a mere extension of the regular ``graphics'' library of Caml
Light. I just added functions to open a window, to close a window, to set a
clip area...

Then, Camlwin itself is build on top of this library. All the graphic
objects are purely Caml values, and handled by Caml functions. You can find
buttons, strings, texteditors,..., and windows to select a file, windows
to ask a string...

With Camlwin, 3 programs were built.
- camlicon is used to create images. Camlicon save images in text files, that
can be directly compiled by the Caml Light compiler.
- camldsgn is used to design windows. You can place and resize graphic objects
with the mouse, then save the result in a Camlwin file, that can be
compile by the Caml Light compiler.
- camlprog is used to managed Caml Light projects. It's a file editor, with a
project manager. Choose the files you want to add to your project,
then select the make item of the Run menu, and your project will be
properly compiled and linked.

If you have any suggestions or bug report, please e-mail at: