Re: Pattern Matching

Frank Christoph (
Fri, 6 Sep 1996 18:20:31 +0900

Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 18:20:31 +0900
From: (Frank Christoph)
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Ernesto Posse on Thu, 05 Sep 1996 12:19:05 -0500)
Subject: Re: Pattern Matching

> I have a question about pattern matching. I need a function which
> binds an identifier to a value in certain data structure (which is
> called "heap" here). This is actually a (string * record) list. It is
> not suppose to be a mutable data structure, so the binding just creates
> a
> new list copying the same values as the old one with the exception of
> the
> record to be changed. For this purpose I am using (I am using
> O'Caml 1.01 for Windows 95):


> However the compiler tells me that line marked (* 1 *) is an unused case
> of the match expression. I thought that maybe the problem was that the
> inner id variables (the ones in the function passed to map) are
> identifier
> patterns therefor they are different from the parameter of the assign
> function.

There is no equality relationship between pattern variables and identifiers
in enclosing scopes unless you make it explicit with a boolean guard.

> So I tried to fix it like this:

> let assign heap id obj =
> ( function
> (name,{ vartype = vt; contents = v;
> constraints = c; dependencies = d })
> when name = id ->
> (name,{ vartype = vt; contents = obj;
> constraints = c; dependencies = d })
> | (name,_) as r when name <> id -> r )
> heap

> And now I get the warning "this pattern-matching is not exhaustive".

It's probably because the compiler doesn't know that ((x = y) or (x <> y))
is always true. The following function definition also generates a complaint:

#let f = function x when x = 1 -> x | x when x <> 1 -> x+1;;
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive
val f : int -> int = <fun>

In every compiler I know of, patterns are matched sequentially. So if you
drop the guard and change the second match to:

(name,_) as r -> r

it should compile without a warning and have the same semantics, unless you
add a new match case.

Frank Christoph Next Solution Co. Tel: 0424-98-1811 Fax: 0424-98-1500