Re: native code compiler and exceptions

Jocelyn Serot (
Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:46:35 METDST

Message-Id: <>
From: Jocelyn Serot <>
Subject: Re: native code compiler and exceptions
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:46:35 METDST

In his answer to my original question, P. Weis ( says:

> Wao! To ``rely heavily on array bounds violation'' is a very ugly style
> of programming. I could not imagine why you need to use this style.

Well, maybe the formulation ``rely heavily on array bounds violation'' was
a bit misleading. My code relies on the correct handling of exceptions that,
at the lowest level may be trapped as array bound violation.
I will try yo explain my pb on a small example.
Suppose that images are represented as pixel 2d-arrays (in fact, images
are implemented as ADTs, with their internal representation hidden).

# type image = int array array
# let get_pixel i y x = i.(y).(x)
# let set_pixel i y x p = i.(y).(x) <- p
# let create nr nc = Array.new_matrix nr nc 0

What i want to do is to compute, for example is a simple 2d-convolution,
turning pixel(x,y) into (p(x-1,y)+p(x,y-1)+p(x+1,y)+p(x,y+1))/4.
A possible manner to handle the clipping effect at image boundaries is to
set that p(x,y) = 0 whenever x<0 ot y<0.
So it does not seem to me so "ugly" to write my convolution fn like that:

# let conv im =
# let nr = nb_rows im and nc = nb_cols im in
# let im' = create nr nc in
# for y = 0 to pred nr do for x = 0 to pred nc do
# let p1 = try_get_pixel im (x-1) y 0 in
# let p2 = try_get_pixel im x (y-1) 0 in
# let p3 = try_get_pixel im (x+1) y 0 in
# let p4 = try_get_pixel im x (y+1) 0 in
# set_pixel im' (y,x) ((p1+p2+p3+p4)/4) done done;
# m'

making use of the given access fn:

# let try_get_pixel im y x clip =
# try get_pixel im y x with Invalid_argument _ -> clip

(btw, note that is this case clip might be a _fn_ of the "faulty" coordinates,

# let try_get_pixel im y x clip =
# try get_pixel im y x with Invalid_argument _ -> clip y x

Is this not "good" fnal programming style ?..
Or does the "ugliness" lies only in the [... with Invalid_argument _ ->...]
construct ? In this case, i guess i should test _explicitely_ whether (y,x) are
in bounds instead of relying of the exception [Invalid_argument "Array.get"].Ie:

# let try_get_pixel im y x clip =
# if (y<0 || y>=(nb_rows im) || x<0 || x>=(nb_cols im)) then clip
# else get_pixel im y x

Is it what you mean ?


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