Some cosmetics problems with ocaml

Emmanuel Engel (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 16:23:50 +0100

Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 16:23:50 +0100
From: Emmanuel Engel <>
Subject: Some cosmetics problems with ocaml

I have some cosmetics problems with ocaml.

First it is not possible to simply create mli files with the command
"ocamlc -c -i > foo.mli". There is at least three reasons.

First the compiler complain that we must compile interface file first.
I need a compilation option to solve this problem. Something saying
"generate .mli file forme infered type" will be OK.

I can try "ocamlc -c -i > a;mv a foo.mli". But again I have some

The first problem is that I have no solution to suppress warnings from
the compiler output. So if i try to compile the following file with

**** *******

let f 1 = 1


the resulting a file will be

******** foo.mli ********
File "", line 1, characters 6-10:
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive
val f : int -> int

This file does not compile.

The second problem is with mutualy recursives type

**** ******************

type foo = N
| C of int * froz ref

and froz = V of foo
| T of (unit -> foo)

the resulting foo.mli will be :

********* foo.mli *************
type foo = N | C of int * froz ref
type froz = V of foo | T of (unit -> foo)

This file does not compile.

That's all for interfaces. Let's talk about modules.

Sometimes I want to define sets or map or somethings else for
a specifics data structure. I used to put the module set inside
the module that define the data structure. I want to extend the
function that I have defined for my data structure to sets. I
find usefull to keep the same name for the function's extension
but this is quite difficult: I can't refer to a function with is
fully qualified name inside the module definition.

Let's take an example. I'd like to write:

************* ********************
type foo = N
| C of int * froz ref

and froz = V of foo
| T of (unit -> foo)

let rec eval_all = function
C(_,{contents=V x}) ->
eval_all x;
| C(_,({contents=T f} as t)) ->
let v= f () in
t.contents <- (V v);
| _ ->

module FooSet=
type t = int list
let rec eval_all = function
| [] ->
| hd::tl ->
(Foo.eval_all hd);
(Foo.FooSet.eval_all tl)

The problem is the last function eval_all. The values Foo.eval_all
and Foo.FooSet.eval_all are undefined. I must write something like

let eval_all =
let rec f = function
[] ->
|hd::tl ->
(eval_all hd);
(f tl) in f

I find it less practical.


- Emmanuel Engel