[Q] About Unix Library of Ocaml

From: Bomshik Kim (bskim@ropas.kaist.ac.kr)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 08:29:52 MET

  • Next message: David Brown: "Camlidl copyright."

     I Have Some Questions About Unix Library

    1) Why do these exceptions occur ?

            Objective Caml version 2.04

    # open Unix ;;
    # let theSocket = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 ;;
    val theSocket : Unix.file_descr = <abstr>
    # let theSocket = socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0 ;;
    val theSocket : Unix.file_descr = <abstr>
    # let theSocket = socket PF_INET SOCK_RAW 0 ;;
    Uncaught exception: Unix.Unix_error(1, "socket", "")
    # let theSocket = socket PF_INET SOCK_SEQPACKET 0 ;;
    Uncaught exception: Unix.Unix_error(45, "socket", "")

    2) What is the differences of 4 socket_type ?
     Stream socket, Datagram socket, Raw socket, Sequenced packets socket

    3) Error with using connection function

     Could you let me know the error code(63)
     and why does this error occur?

            Objective Caml version 2.04

    # open Unix ;;
    # let addr = inet_addr_of_string "***.***.***.***" ;;
    val addr : Unix.inet_addr = <abstr>
    # let socketAddr = ADDR_INET( addr , 21 ) ;;
    val socketAddr : Unix.sockaddr = ADDR_INET (<abstr>, 21)
    # let theSocket = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 ;;
    val theSocket : Unix.file_descr = <abstr>
    # connect theSocket socketAddr ;;
    Uncaught exception: Unix.Unix_error(63, "connect", "")

    4) Where can I get more specific information(examples, docs, papers)
      about ocaml library especially unix library
      (in order to design & implement bigger network library of ocaml
       for building web-server, web-browser etc... )

    @ thank you

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