Re: Porting OCaml to a Custom OS

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 15:05:34 MET

  • Next message: Xavier Leroy: "Re: Dichotomy between functions and type constructors?"

    > I am trying to port ocaml to a custom operating system made using Oskit. I
    > have got *ocamlrun* and *ocamlyacc* ported to it. I compiled these on
    > Linux 2.2.13 on Redhat 6.0. I forced these tools to be built by using
    > 'gcc' with the -nostdinc and -nostdlib so that it only uses the libraries
    > and include files I want.

    Sounds good.

    > OSkit presently resides on Linux as a set of libraries and device
    > drivers. It has no filesystem .I can boot images of executables which can
    > then be loaded as a kernel .
    > In the case of ocaml, I cannot compile .ml files at this stage since
    > they will not run on Linux. How do i force it to compile .ml files ?

    You'll need to cross-compile. That is, install a regular OCaml on
    your Linux development machine and use it to generate bytecode
    executables. Then, hopefully, you should be able to transfer those
    bytecode executables to the OSkit memory and execute them from there
    using your modified ocamlrun.

    - Xavier Leroy

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