Re: Typing of patterns

From: Pierre Weis (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 17:32:03 MET DST

  • Next message: Manuel Fahndrich: "Problems with ocamlopt under windows?"

    > However, the goal is a bit different, as you can can see if you don't
    > put type annotations on the output:
    > let (ensure_nil : 'a pliste -> 'b) = function
    > | `Cons (x, l) -> failwith "Not nil"
    > | `Nil as l -> l;;
    > val ensure_nil : 'a pliste -> [> `Nil] = <fun>
    > With polymorphic variants we know that the output does not contain
    > Cons! The disconnection between input and output variables is a mere
    > consequence of that: [> `Nil] knows nothing about the type parameter
    > of pliste.


    > This mechanism was intended as an implementation of type-based
    > dispatch (with polymorhic variants type and values coincide), and you
    > could say it is just an overloading of the as construct (which is OK
    > since it does not change its operational meaning).
    > >From the point of view of separation, it is also a bit ad-hoc, in that
    > it requires the variant pattern (or an or-pattern containing only
    > variants) to be immediately enclosed in the as clause, otherwise it
    > reverts to the usual type-sharing behaviour:
    > let f1 = function `A as x -> x;;
    > val f1 : [< `A] -> [> `A] = <fun>
    > let f2 = function (`A, `B) as x -> x;;
    > val f2 : ([< `A] as 'a) * ([< `B] as 'b) -> 'a * 'b = <fun>

    Yes this is a bit strange. You may use the rule I gave in my previous
    message : generalize type variables that does not appear in the type
    of identifiers bound in sub-patterns.

    > > Conclusion: this strongly suggests to generalize the typing of
    > > synonymous identifiers in patterns, in order to obtain the same typing
    > > assignments for pattern matching on ``closed'' polymorphic variants
    > > and pattern matching on their (semantically equivalent) sum data types
    > > counterparts.
    > This is indeed possible. This just requires a bit of additional code in
    > the type checker. However sum data types do not allow type-based
    > dispatch, so this would really only be useful for separating type
    > parameters.

    Yes and this is indeed desirable.

    > Also, this reminds me of another problem discussed last year in this
    > mailing list:
    > # type 'a t = {key: int; data: 'a};;
    > type 'a t = { key : int; data : 'a; }
    > # let v = {key = 1; data = 1};;
    > val v : int t = {key=1; data=1}
    > # {v with data = true};;
    > This expression has type int t but is here used with type bool t
    > If we separate type parameters in sums, then we will probably also
    > have to do it for products, isn't it ?


    > Symmetries can bring you a long way.

    Yes, and this is an easy way for the user of the language.

    Pierre Weis

    INRIA, Projet Cristal,,

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