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To Learn More

The overview of the libraries in the distribution of the language showed the richness of the basic environment. For the Printf module nothing is worth more than reading a work on the C language, such as [HS94]. In [FW00] a solution is proposed for the typing of intput-output of values (module Marshal). The MD5 algorithm of the Digest module is described on the web page of its designer:

In the same way you may find many articles on exact arithmetic used by the num library on the web page of Valérie Ménissier-Morain :


There are also other libraries than those in the distribution, developed by the community of Objective CAML programmers. Objective CAML. The majority of them are listed on the ``Camel's hump'' site:

Some of them will be presented and discussed in the chapter on applications development (22).

To know the exact contents of the various modules, don't hesitate to read the description of the libraries in the reference manual [LRVD99] or consult the online version in HTML format (1). To enter into the details of the implementations of these libraries, nothing is better than reading the source code, available in the distribution of the language (1).
Chapter 14 presents the language of Objective CAML modules. This allows you to build simple modules seen as independent compilation units, which will be similar to the modules presented in this chapter.

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