The argument of a value constructor can be declared ``mutable'' when the variant type is defined:
type foo = A of mutable int | B of mutable int * int | ...This allows in-place modification of the argument part of a constructed value. Modification is performed by a new kind of expressions, written ident
expr, where ident is an identifier
bound by pattern-matching to the argument of a mutable constructor,
and expr denotes the value that must be stored in place of that
argument. Continuing the example above:
let x = A 1 in begin match x with A y -> y <- 2 | _ -> () end; xreturns the value A 2. The notation ident
expr works also if
ident is an identifier bound by pattern-matching to the value of a
mutable field in a record. For instance,
type bar = {mutable lbl : int};; let x = {lbl = 1} in begin match x with {lbl = y} -> y <- 2 end; xreturns the value {lbl = 2}.