GC Bug?

From: Adam P. Jenkins (ajenkins@cs.umass.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 27 1997 - 11:13:59 MET DST

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 05:13:59 -0400
Message-Id: <199706270913.FAA04748@dwarin.oit.umass.edu>
From: "Adam P. Jenkins" <ajenkins@cs.umass.edu>
To: caml-list@inria.fr
Subject: GC Bug?

Hi, I've been trying to write a C extension for O'Caml version 1.05,
on Linux. I have a C object which I want to be able to pass into
caml, and manipulate it with the C functions. I'm having some
problems with allocation. Here's the smallest example I can give.
I've even provided a Makefile, which creates a custom toplevel to test
this in.

The problem occurs in test_copy (see the C file below). For my
abstract type, I just use two integers set to some magic values, which
should never change. However, in copy, after I call alloc, sometimes
the input parameter will change. Here's a sample session:

> ./testtop
        Objective Caml version 1.05

# let o = TestMod.create();;
val o : TestMod.t = <abstr>
# TestMod.copy o;;
- : TestMod.t = <abstr>
# for i = 0 to 10000 do TestMod.copy o done;;
Uncaught exception: Invalid_argument("TestMod.copy: value changed after alloc")

I can run TestMod.copy several times and it works, but then if I run
it several thousand times, the input argument will eventually get
corrupted during the call to alloc in test_copy.

Can anyone tell me if this is a GC bug, or something I'm doing wrong?
Should I be using Abstract_tag for my abstract chunk of memory, or
some other tag? Thank you for any suggestions.


Adam P. Jenkins 

---------------- testMod.mli -------------- type t external create : unit -> t = "test_create" external copy : t -> t = "test_copy" --------------- testMod.ml ---------------- type t external create : unit -> t = "test_create" external copy : t -> t = "test_copy"

--------------- testmod.c ---------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <caml/mlvalues.h> #include <caml/callback.h> #include <caml/memory.h> #include <caml/alloc.h>

typedef long type;

/* how many words to allocate for a pair of longs */ #define ALLOC_LEN ((sizeof(type) * 2) / sizeof(value))

value test_create(value v) { type *p; value result = alloc(ALLOC_LEN, Abstract_tag); p = (type *)result; p[0] = 0xdeadbeef; /* these are just magic values */ p[1] = 0xfeedbeef; return result; }

value test_copy(value v) { type *p, a, b; value result; p = (type *)v; a = p[0]; b = p[1];

if (a != 0xdeadbeef || b != 0xfeedbeef) invalid_argument("TestMod.copy: value changed");

result = alloc(ALLOC_LEN, Abstract_tag);

/* sometimes v will change after the above alloc call */ if (a != p[0] || b != p[1]) invalid_argument("TestMod.copy: value changed after alloc");

p = (type *)result; p[0] = a; p[1] = b; return result; }

---------------- Makefile ---------- testtop: ocamlc -c testmod.c ocamlc -c testMod.mli ocamlc -c testMod.ml ocamlmktop -custom -o testtop testmod.o testMod.cmo

----------- End of files --------------

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