Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 12:14:54 +0100
From: Damien Doligez <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Treating arguments that start with `-' as anonymous arguments
I think this is a good idea, but I would make it a little bit more
versatile. Let's define a constructor Arg.Rest of (string -> void).
It causes the remaining of the command line to be sent to its
Your example becomes:
let anon s = prerr_endline ("anon arg: " ^ s);;
let speclist = [
"-a", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prerr_endline "this was -a"), "a keyword";
"--", Arg.Rest anon, "Stop interpreting keywords";
Arg.parse speclist anon "usage info goes here.";;
And is is also possible to distinguish between anonymous arguments and
arguments following the "--".
I'm including my own patch at the end of this mail. Could you please
test it and tell me if it works for you ? This will be in the next
release of O'Caml unless you have some objection.
-- Damien
RCS file: /net/pauillac/caml/repository/csl/stdlib/arg.mli,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -c -r1.12 arg.mli
*** arg.mli 1997/11/05 19:44:08 1.12
--- arg.mli 1998/01/14 09:31:44
*** 42,47 ****
--- 45,52 ----
| String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Int of (int -> unit) (* Call the function with an int argument *)
| Float of (float -> unit) (* Call the function with a float argument *)
+ | Rest of (string -> unit) (* Stop interpreting keywords and call the
+ function with each remaining argument *)
(* The concrete type describing the behavior associated
with a keyword. *)
Index: stdlib/
RCS file: /net/pauillac/caml/repository/csl/stdlib/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8
*** 1997/09/11 15:10:19 1.8
--- 1998/01/14 09:36:53
*** 18,23 ****
--- 18,25 ----
| String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Int of (int -> unit) (* Call the function with an int argument *)
| Float of (float -> unit) (* Call the function with a float argument *)
+ | Rest of (string -> unit) (* Stop interpreting keywords and call the
+ function with each remaining argument *)
exception Bad of string
*** 91,96 ****
--- 93,103 ----
let arg = Sys.argv.(!current+1) in
f (float_of_string arg);
incr current;
+ | Rest f ->
+ while !current < l-1 do
+ f Sys.argv.(!current+1);
+ incr current;
+ done;
| _ -> stop (Missing s)
with Bad m -> stop (Message m);
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