Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 10:51:27 +0300 (IDT)
From: Ohad Rodeh <>
To: Ocaml Mailing List <>
Subject: Garbage collection qustion
I have a problem with the Ocaml garbage collector. The included program
allocates memory from the heap and does nothing with it. The heap keeps
growing without bound although memory is not being used and no refrences
to it exist.
Running the program with the following parameters:
ttt -nrounds 1000 -status 3 -chunk 10000
Will go through 1000 rounds of allocating a string of size 10000. The
status flag describes how many GC status reports you would like.
Why does the heap grow without bound?
open Printf
let nrounds = ref 100
let status = ref 10
let chunk = ref 1000
(* Status of the heap
let string_list_of_gc_stat s =
let alloc_promote_pct = (s.Gc.promoted_words * 100) / s.Gc.minor_words in
let alloc_major_direct = s.Gc.major_words - s.Gc.promoted_words in
let blocks_total = s.Gc.live_blocks + s.Gc.free_blocks in
let blocks_live_pct = (s.Gc.live_blocks * 100) / blocks_total in
let words_live_pct = (s.Gc.live_words * 100) / s.Gc.heap_words in
[ sprintf "allocation: minor=%.1fM (%d%% promoted) (direct major=%dK)"
((float s.Gc.minor_words) /. 1000000.0) alloc_promote_pct (alloc_major_direct/1000) ;
sprintf "collections: minor=%d, major=%d, compact=%d" s.Gc.minor_collections s.Gc.major_collections s.Gc.compactions ;
sprintf "words: %d (%d%% live) (%d chunks)" s.Gc.heap_words words_live_pct s.Gc.heap_chunks ;
sprintf "blocks: %d (%d%% live) (largest_free=%d)" blocks_total blocks_live_pct s.Gc.largest_free
let string_of_list f l = sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat "|" ( f l))
(* Print the heap status?
let chp i =
if (i mod (!nrounds / !status) = 0) then (
let stat = Gc.stat () in
printf "%s\n" (string_of_list (fun x -> x) (string_list_of_gc_stat stat));
let _ =
Arg.parse [
"-nrounds",Arg.Int(fun i -> nrounds := i), "nrounds";
"-status",Arg.Int(fun i -> status := i), "How may heap status reports";
"-chunk",Arg.Int(fun i -> chunk := i), "The size of string allocated in each round";
] (fun _ -> ()) "perf-crypto";
let r = Gc.get () in
r.Gc.verbose <- true;
Gc.set r;
for i=0 to !nrounds do
chp i;
let cccc = String.create !chunk in ()
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