Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:32:11 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: projects using Ocaml - summary
Hello All,
Here is a list I've got by people signaling me Ocaml use, after I
asked in on this mailing list on september 24th 1998.
I didn't add yet my organization, but the French state owned Atomic
Energy Commission (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
"") where I work is considering using Ocaml as a
scripting and programming langage for numerical codes (in
physics). This is *not* an official statement, only my personal
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<li><A HREF=""> Dwight VandenBerghe</a>uses
Ocaml in a financial system. He wrote me:
<small>It's a financial simulation system for actuaries,
used to determine the valuation of life insurance companies. I used
Ocaml for the compiler portion of the system, and C++ for the runtime
engine, which has to be very fast</small>
<li><A HREF="">GeneWeb</a>,
Genealogical database software with Web interface (<A HREF="">Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE</a>, INRIA, France)
<li><A HREF="">Coq</a>, theorem provers
for reasoning on programs (INRIA, France)
<li><A HREF="">Odyssée</a>,
automatic differentiation of Fortran code (INRIA, France)
automatic parallelisation and analysis of sequential and data parallel
programs (<A HREF="">Pierre Boulet</a>,
Univ. Lille 1 et Versailles, France)
(program transformer, University of the Federal Armed Forces
Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, GERMANY)
<li><A HREF="">Olabl</a>
is an Ocaml extension adding labeled and optional arguments to Ocaml
functions, and polymorphiques variantes and methods (J.Garrigue,
Univ. Kyoto, JAPON)
is a toolkit for distributed processing (<A HREF="">Mark Hayden</a>, université Cornell, Etats-Unis)
<li><A HREF="">sE -
synchronousEifel</a>, a tool for design and programming of embedded
real-time reactive systems (<A
HREF="">Dr. Reinhard Budde</a>, German
National Research Center for Information Technology, ESPRIT projects
SYRF et CRISYS, Germany)
<li><A HREF="">Switchware</a>
Active Networking projects (<A
HREF="">Michael Hicks</a>, Univ. of
Pennsylvania, Etats-Unis): <small>Active networks explore the idea
of allowing routing elements to be extensively programmed by the
packets passing through them. This allows computation previously
possible only at endpoints to be carried out within the network
itself, thus enabling optimizations and extensions of current
protocols as well as the development of fundamentally new protocols.
<li>network filtering (<a href="">Joshua D. Guttman</a>, Mitre Corporation, Boston, USA)
<li>Ocaml as a scripting langage <A
HREF="">Ching-Tsun Chou</a> (Intel Corp,
Californie, USA)
Pi-Calculus based exploratory languages (Univ. Pennsylvannie, USA)
<li>network supervision <A HREF="">Gilles FALCON</a> France Telecom (division des réseaux nationaux).
<li><A HREF="">
bioinformatical</a> software by <A HREF="">Andrew Conway</a>
<li>Formal analysis of cryptographical protocols <A HREF="">Stanford Research International, Computer Science Lab</a> by <A HREF="">David Monniaux</a>.
<li>.... etc
<p>this list is very incomplete (and I'm still adding stuff to it)
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<li><A HREF=""> Dwight VandenBerghe</a> a
utilisé Ocaml dans un produit de simulation financière, il m'écrit:
<small>It's a financial simulation system for actuaries,
used to determine the valuation of life insurance companies. I used
Ocaml for the compiler portion of the system, and C++ for the runtime
engine, which has to be very fast</small>
<li><A HREF="">GeneWeb</a>, logiciel de généalogie avec interface Web (<A HREF="">Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE</a>, INRIA, France)
<li><A HREF="">Coq</a>, démonstrateur de théorème pour la preuve de programmes (INRIA, France)
<li><A HREF="">Odyssée</a>, differentiation automatique de programmes Fortran (INRIA, France)
parallélisation automatique et analyse de programmes séquentiels et
data-parallèles (<A HREF="">Pierre Boulet</a>,
Univ. Lille 1 et Versailles, France)
(transformateur de programme, University of the Federal Armed Forces
Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, GERMANY)
<li><A HREF="">Olabl</a>
est une extension d'Ocaml ajoutant la possibilité d'arguments
étiquettés ou optionnels aux fonctions d'Ocaml, ainsi que des
variantes polymorphiques et des méthodes polymorphiques. (J.Garrigue,
Univ. Kyoto, JAPON)
<li><a href="">Ensemble</a> est une boîte à outils pour le traitement distribué (<A HREF="">Mark Hayden</a>, université Cornell, Etats-Unis)
<li><A HREF="">sE -
synchronousEifel</a>, outil pour la conception et la programmation de
systèmes logiciels réactifs embarqués temps-réel (<A
HREF="">Dr. Reinhard Budde</a>, German
National Research Center for Information Technology, projets ESPRIT
SYRF et CRISYS, Allemagne)
<li><A HREF="">Switchware</a>
Active Networking projects (<A
HREF="">Michael Hicks</a>, Univ. of
Pennsylvania, Etats-Unis): <small>Active networks explore the idea
of allowing routing elements to be extensively programmed by the
packets passing through them. This allows computation previously
possible only at endpoints to be carried out within the network
itself, thus enabling optimizations and extensions of current
protocols as well as the development of fundamentally new protocols.
<li>filtrage de réseaux (<a href="">Joshua D. Guttman</a>, Mitre Corporation, Boston, Etats-Unis)
<li>Ocaml comme langage de script, <A
HREF="">Ching-Tsun Chou</a> (Intel Corp,
Californie, USA)
<li><A HREF="">Pict</a> langage expérimental basé sur le Pi-Calcul (Univ. Pennsylvannie, USA)
<li>Supervision de réseaux <A HREF="">Gilles FALCON</a> France Telecom (division des réseaux nationaux).
<li>programmes<A HREF=""> bioinformatiques</a> par <A HREF="">Andrew Conway</a>
<li>Analyse formelle de protocoles cryptographiques au <A HREF="">Stanford Research International, Computer Science Lab</a> par <A HREF="">David Monniaux</a>.
<li>.... etc
<p>Cette liste est <B>très incomplète</b> (en cours d'élaboration)
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N.B. Any opinions expressed here are onely mine, and not of my organization.
N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.
Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat à l Energie Atomique
DRN/DMT/SYSCO * CEA/Saclay bat.460 * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
fax: (33) 1,; phone: 1,; home: 1,
email: Basile point Starynkevitch at cea point fr
I speak french, english, russian. Je parle français, anglais, russe.
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