OCamlLex-Patch for Rule Parameters

From: Christian Lindig (lindig@ips.cs.tu-bs.de)
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 09:13:46 MET

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:13:46 +0100
From: Christian Lindig <lindig@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>
To: Caml Mailing List <caml-list@inria.fr>
Subject: OCamlLex-Patch for Rule Parameters

This patch provides an enhancement to OCamlLex from OCaml 2.01. It
allows to pass additional values to rules. Currently a user can only
access the lexbuf parameter inside rules but no user provided

    rule this = parse
        eof { .. }
      | "#" { that lexbuf }

    and that = parse
        '\n' { access lexbuf }
      | [^'\n']* { that lexbuf }

The patch provides an extended syntax for OCamlLex specification files
that allows to pass user defined parameters:

    rule this = parse
        eof { .. }
      | "#" { that true 2 lexbuf } (* pass true and 2 *)

    and that x y = parse (* x,y are additional parameters *)
        '\n' { access x, y, and lexbuf }
      | [^'\n']* { that lexbuf }

The number of parameters is variable. Typically at least one rule will
have no because OCamlYacc generated parsers don't pass additional
parameters. When a rule calls another rule it must pass the
additional parameters first and then lexbuf as usual:

    rule_name x y lexbuf

The patch is backward compatible: all OCamlLex files will work with
the patched OcamlLex.
What are these additional parameters good for? They come in handy
whenever a semantic value is collected across many lexer calls. A
good example is the file ocaml-2.01/parsing/lexer.mll from the OCaml
parser/lexer: while scanning a string, escape sequences must be decoded.
Without additional parameters the result string must be hold in a global
variable which makes the lexer no longer reentrant.

Here is another silly example: It scans a file and replaces C style
comments by Pascal style comments. The comment string is collected first
using a parameter and then printed as a whole.

     * ocamllex example.mll
     * ocamlc -o example example.ml
     * ./example < foo.c

      let get = Lexing.lexeme

    (* lexer definitions *)

    rule scanner = parse
            eof { () }
        | "/*" { comment "(*" lexbuf; scanner lexbuf }
        | [^'/' '\n']+ { print_string (get lexbuf);
                                      scanner lexbuf }
        | '\n' { print_char '\n' ; scanner lexbuf }
        | '/' { print_char '/' ; scanner lexbuf }

    and comment str = parse
            eof { print_string str }
        | "*/" { print_string (str ^ "*)") }
        | [^'*' '\n']+ { comment (str ^ (get lexbuf)) lexbuf }
        | '*' { comment (str ^ "*") lexbuf }
        | '\n' { comment (str ^ "\n") lexbuf }

            let _ =
                let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
                scanner lexbuf

The small patch (3k gzip'ed) can be downloaded from the following web


To apply the patch copy the lexer source from ocaml-2.01/lex into a
fresh directory lex (don't miss the .depend file) and cd into it.
Then apply the patch and call make:

        patch -p5 < lex-2.01.patch ; make

-- Christian

 Christian Lindig   Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany

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