CLOS and ML?

From: David McClain (
Date: Thu Jul 29 1999 - 00:44:36 MET DST

From: "David McClain" <>
To: <>
Subject: CLOS and ML?
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 15:44:36 -0700

I have been missing CLOS sooo much that I decided to give it a try in OCAML.
It turns out that to first order, one can quite readily acheive multi-method
dispatch using ML-like languages (see below...) Of course it would be far
more convenient if this were an inherent part of the language. I have
thought briefly about making a front-end that would accept an extended
syntax incorporating some notion of multi-methods and having it translate to
standard OCAML as a result. This would alleviate all runtime dispatching
except for those cases where a possibly ambiguous data type is acted upon.

Is there any reason not to make CLOS-like behavior (e.g., STklos, CLOS,
Dylan) in an ML language?

- DM

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------- *)
(* -- CLOS Generic Functions with Multimethod Dispatch for OCAML *)
(* DM/MCFA 07/99 *)

type user_type = {ut_super : user_type option;
    ut_iflds : string list;
    ut_cflds : (string * opnd ref) list}

and user_instance = user_type * opnd list ref

and opnd =
    FLOAT of float
  | INT of int
  | LIST of opnd list
  | ARRAY of opnd array
  | STRING of string
  | CHAR of char
  | BOOL of bool
  | NIL
  | USER of user_instance

type opnd_type =
  | TINT
  | TTOP
  | TUSER of user_type

let type_of = function
    INT _ -> TINT
  | CHAR _ -> TCHAR
  | BOOL _ -> TBOOL
  | LIST _ -> TLIST
  | NIL -> TNULL
  | USER(t,_) -> TUSER(t)

type gf_method_function =
    FUNARY of (opnd -> gf_method list -> opnd)
  | FBINARY of (opnd -> opnd -> gf_method list -> opnd)
  | FAPPLY of (opnd list -> gf_method list -> opnd)

and gf_method = {gf_sig : opnd_type list;
   gf_spec : int list;
   gf_fn : gf_method_function}

type 'a tree =
    LEAF of 'a (* real, instantiable *)
  | RNODE of 'a * 'a tree list (* real, instantiable *)
  | VNODE of 'a * 'a tree list (* virtual, not instantiable *)

let type_tree =
        [LEAF TINT;
        [LEAF TNULL]);

let cpl_of_type t =
  match t with
      TUSER t' ->
 let rec scan = function
     {ut_super = None} -> [TTOP]
   | {ut_super = Some t'} -> (TUSER t') :: scan t'
   t :: scan t'
    | _ ->
 let rec augment t' subtrees =
     (fun rslt subtree ->
        match (rslt,scan subtree) with
     (_,None) -> rslt
   | (None,Some lst) -> Some(t' :: lst)
   | _ -> failwith "invalid type-tree")
     None subtrees
 and scan = function
     LEAF t' ->
       if t == t' then Some [t] else None
   | VNODE(t',subtrees) ->
       augment t' subtrees
   | RNODE(t',subtrees) ->
       if t == t' then Some [t] else augment t' subtrees
   match scan type_tree with
       None -> failwith "type not instantiable"
     | Some lst -> List.rev lst

let cpl_of_arg arg =
  cpl_of_type (type_of arg)

let gf_apply {gf_fn = fn} args next_methods =
  match fn with
      FUNARY fn' ->
 fn' (List.hd args) next_methods
    | FBINARY fn' ->
 fn' (List.hd args) (List.nth args 1) next_methods
    | FAPPLY fn' ->
 fn' args next_methods

let call_next_method args = function
    [] -> failwith "no next method"
  | h::t -> gf_apply h args t

(* ------------------------------------------------- *)
let say str =
  print_string str;

class type generic_function_type =
 method add_method :
   opnd_type list -> gf_method_function -> unit
 method call :
   opnd list -> opnd
 method methods :
   unit -> gf_method list
 method applicable_methods :
   opnd list -> gf_method list
 method remove_sig :
   opnd_type list -> unit

class generic_function nargs : generic_function_type =
    val methods = ref []

    method add_method signat fnbody =
      if List.length signat != nargs then
 failwith "incommensurate gf signature"
 let meth = {gf_sig = signat;
      gf_spec =
   (function typ ->
      List.length (cpl_of_type typ))
      gf_fn = fnbody}
   self#remove_sig signat;
   methods := meth :: !methods

    method remove_sig signat =
      methods :=
 (fun meth rslt ->
    if meth.gf_sig = signat then rslt else meth :: rslt)
 !methods []

    method methods () = !methods

    method applicable_methods args =
      let cpls = cpl_of_arg args in
   (fun {gf_spec = spec1} {gf_spec = spec2} ->
      spec1 > spec2)
      (fun ({gf_sig = signat} as gf) rslt ->
  if List.for_all2 List.memq signat cpls then
    gf :: rslt
      !methods [])

    method call args =
      if List.length args != nargs then
 failwith "gf called with incorrect arg count";
      match self#applicable_methods args with
   [] ->
     failwith "no applicable methods";
 | h :: t ->
     gf_apply h args t

(* test it out... *)
let gf_add = new generic_function 2
let _ =
    (function (signat,fnbody) ->
       gf_add#add_method signat (FBINARY fnbody))
      [TINT;TINT], (fun (INT a) (INT b) _ ->
      INT (a + b));
      [TINT;TFLOAT], (fun (INT a) (FLOAT b) _ ->
      FLOAT(float a +. b));
      [TFLOAT;TINT], (fun (FLOAT a) (INT b) _ ->
      FLOAT(a +. float b));
      [TFLOAT;TFLOAT], (fun (FLOAT a) (FLOAT b) _ ->
      FLOAT(a +. b));
      [TSTRING;TSTRING],(fun (STRING s1) (STRING s2) _ ->
      STRING(s1 ^ s2));
      [TCHAR;TSTRING], (fun (CHAR c) (STRING s) _ ->
      STRING(String.make 1 c ^ s));
      [TSTRING;TCHAR], (fun (STRING s) (CHAR c) _ ->
      STRING(s ^ String.make 1 c))

(* CLOS Class and Instance Objects *)

let top = { ut_super = None;
     ut_iflds = [];
     ut_cflds = [] }

let union l1 l2 =
  let weed_out l1 l2 =
    (* remove items from l1 that already exist in l2 *)
      (fun item ->
  not (List.mem item l2))
    l2 @ weed_out l1 l2

let new_class super iflds cflds =
  let iflds' = union iflds super.ut_iflds in
  let cflds' =
    union ( fst cflds)
      ( fst super.ut_cflds)
  let cflds'' =
      (fun name rslt ->
    (name, ref (List.assoc name cflds)) :: rslt
      Not_found ->
        (name, ref !(List.assoc name super.ut_cflds)) :: rslt)
      cflds' []
    { ut_super = Some super;
      ut_iflds = iflds';
      ut_cflds = cflds'' }

let new_instance usr_class =
       ref (
       (fun _ -> NIL)

let get_slot (USER(cls,slots)) name =
  let rec iiter names vals =
    match (names,vals) with
 ([],[]) -> raise Not_found
      | (nh::nt,vh::vt) ->
   if nh = name then vh else iiter nt vt
      | _ -> failwith "get_slot: invalid instance"
  let rec citer = function
      [] -> raise Not_found
    | (n,vr) :: tl ->
 if n = name then !vr else citer tl
      iiter cls.ut_iflds !slots
 Not_found ->
   citer cls.ut_cflds

let set_slot (USER(cls,slots)) name valu =
  let rec iiter names vals =
    match (names,vals) with
 ([],[]) -> raise Not_found
      | (nh::nt,vh::vt) ->
   if nh = name then
     valu :: vt
     vh :: iiter nt vt
      | _ -> failwith "get_slot: invalid instance"
  let rec citer = function
      [] -> raise Not_found
    | (n,vr) :: tl ->
 if n = name then
   vr := valu
   citer tl
      slots := iiter cls.ut_iflds !slots
 Not_found ->
   citer cls.ut_cflds

(* test it out... *)
let cx = new_class top ["a";"b";"c"] ["cc",INT 15]
let x = new_instance cx
let _ =
  gf_add#add_method [TUSER(cx);TUSER(cx)]
    (FBINARY(fun (USER(cx,_) as a) (USER(cx,_) as b) _ ->
        let ans = new_instance cx in
   set_slot ans "a" (get_slot a "a");
   set_slot ans "b" (gf_add#call
         [get_slot a "b";
          get_slot b "b"]);
   set_slot ans "c" (get_slot b "c");

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