Hello !
I started to debug large OCaml code and apparently the only acceptable
solution to do this is to use the debugger. Unfortunately, I found
difficulties to convince the debugger to print objects.
Let's take a simple example (took from the manual):
(***** File essai.ml *******)
class point =
val mutable x = 0
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d
let my_p = new point;;
In order to print the value x of my_p, I separately defined a printer function as
(***** File essai_printer.ml *******)
open Format
let my_print_point s =
open_box 0;
print_string ("The point is situated at" ^ string_of_int (s#get_x));
print_space ();
close_box ();
print_newline ()
let my_print_point s =
open_box 0;
print_string ("The point is situated at" ^ string_of_int (s#get_x));
print_space ();
close_box ();
print_newline ()
Here are the steps I followed:
1. Compile essai.ml and essai_printer.ml
ocamlc -c -g essai.ml
ocamlc -c -g essai_printer.ml
2. Create the executable file "essai"
ocamlc -custom -g -o essai essai.cmo
3. Launch the debugger on the file "essai"
4. load the printer (I show also the answer of the debugger)
(ocd) load_printer "essai_printer.cmo"
File ./essai_printer.cmo loaded
5. install the printer function my_print_point
(ocd) install_printer Essai_printer.my_print_point
6. ....put a breakpoint immediately after the definition of my_p
7. print my_p
(ocd) p my_p
my_p : point = <cannot fetch remote object>
Can somebody tell me the "solution" to print the value "x" of my_p ?
Thank you,
French version:
Bonjour !
Je suis en train de deboguer de gros fichiers en OCaml et je suis
contraint d'utiliser le debogueur. Malheureusement, je n'arrive pas a
afficher des objets.
Voici un tres simple exemple (pris du manuel):
(***** File essai.ml *******)
class point =
val mutable x = 0
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d
let my_p = new point;;
Pour afficher la valeur x de my_p, j'ai defini separement une fonction
(***** File essai_printer.ml *******)
open Format
let my_print_point s =
open_box 0;
print_string ("The point is situated at" ^ string_of_int (s#get_x));
print_space ();
close_box ();
print_newline ()
Les etapes que j'ai suivi sont les suivantes:
1. Compiler essai.ml et essai_printer.ml
ocamlc -c -g essai.ml
ocamlc -c -g essai_printer.ml
2. Creer le fichier executable "essai":
ocamlc -custom -g -o essai essai.cmo
3. Lancer le debogueur sur le fichier "essai":
4. Charger le "printer"
(ocd) load_printer "essai_printer.cmo"
File ./essai_printer.cmo loaded
5. Installer la fonction d'impression my_print_point
(ocd) install_printer Essai_printer.my_print_point
6. ... fixer un breakpoint juste apres la definition de my_p
7. imprimer my_p
(ocd) p my_p
my_p : point = <cannot fetch remote object>
Et la question:
Quelle est la solution pour imprimer la valeur x de my_p ?
Merci d'avance,
-- e-mail : Sorin.Stratulat@loria.fr www : http://www.loria.fr/~stratula Project: PROTHEO Office : A201 | Home: ------ | ------ tel: | 1, rue Charles Sadoul LORIA - BP 239 | 54000 Nancy F-54506 VANDOEUVRE-les-NANCY Cedex FRANCE | tel.
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