Vyper source available vi CVS at SourceForge

From: skaller (skaller@maxtal.com.au)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 05:01:24 MET

  • Next message: Gerd Stolpmann: "Re: Thread feature missing"

    The full sources for my Vyper interpreter are now available at
    SourceForge via CVS. Vyper is now licenced LGPL. Developers are urgently
    required for library development, especially python compatibility
    [No documentation is available yet -- I'm still trying to figure out
    how to get it onto source forge]

    Vyper is written in Ocaml 3.00 (http://caml.inria.fr/pub/old_caml_site).

    Project Full Name: Vyper
    Project Unix Name: Vyper
    CVS Server: cvs.Vyper.sourceforge.net
    Shell/Web Server: Vyper.sourceforge.net

    The latest version of Vyper contains functional style pattern matching,
    as illustrated by the code below: matching includes constants, ranges,
    regular expressions, tuples and lists, when guards, as names,
    and type checks.

    Vyper also now supports anonymous functions with the <: :> brackets:

    ----------------- anonymous function examples -------------------
    xx = <: return 1; :>

    x = 1 + <:
      return 10
    :> + 100
    print x

    x = 1 + ( 1 - <:
      return 10
    :> + 100 ) + 77
    print x

    a = 2
    b = <: a = 1; return a :>
    print 'a =',a

      x = "Sum to 10 is " + <:
        s = ""
        for i in range(10):
          s = s + str(i)+", "
        return s
      :> + " so there" + <:
        return <:
          return " max"
      :> * 2
      x = x

    print x

    z = 1 + <: q =5; return 1 :> + 0

    print z
    ----------------- matching examples -----------------------------
    for i in range(0,4):
      match i:
        case 1: print 1
        case "2": print 2
        else: print "no"
    print "should be 1"

    match "2":
      case 1: print 1
      case "2": print 2
      else: print "no"
    print "should be 2"

    x = 44
    match "fred":
      case x: y=2; x=x; print 'x=',x
      case 1: print 1
      case "2": print 2
      else: print "no"
    print 'y=',y, 'x=',x

    match 1:
      case 1 when 0: print 'WHEN 0 <never!>'
      case 1 when 1: print 'WHEN 1 <always>'

    match 1:
      case 1 as x: print x
      else: print 'NO MATCH'

    match (1,2):
      case (1,2): print "Tuple Matched"
      else: print "Tuple match failed"

    match (1,2):
      case (x,y): print "Tuple Matched, x=",x,"y=",y
      else: print "Tuple match failed"

    match [1,2]:
      case [x,y]: print "List Matched, x=",x,"y=",y
      else: print "list match failed"

    match 50:
      case 1 .. 2: print "1..2"
      case 30 .. 60: print "30..60 - OK!"

    match "q":
      case "a" .. "z": print "letter!"
      else: print "Not letter?"

    match (1,2,(3,4)):
      case ((x,y,(a,b) as z) as e) when x==1:
        print x,y,z,a,b,z,e
      else: print "Failed!"

    match 1:
      case x when x == 1 and 1 == 1:
        print "AND MATCH"
      else: print "Failed!"

    match 1:
      case x when x == 0 or 1 == 1:
        print "OR MATCH"
      else: print "Failed!"

    import types
    match 1:
      case x ! types.IntType:
        print "TYPE MATCH"
      else: print "Failed!"

    match "Hello":
      case regexp "He(..)o" (x,y): print 'Matched ',x,y
      else: print "Regexp Failed"

    John (Max) Skaller, mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au
    10/1 Toxteth Rd Glebe NSW 2037 Australia voice: 61-2-9660-0850

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Feb 16 2000 - 10:45:02 MET