Variants are great, but pattern matching should filter used cases in the
default branch. This seems to be a dual of the record modification problem
we've seen some time ago on this list.
Consider the following code:
type 'a status = [`Success 'a | `FailureA | `FailureB | `FailureC ];;
let f () = (`Success "Yeah" :> string status)
let g () =
match f () with
`Success s -> `Success 1
| other -> (other :> int status)
Status encodes return values that can take a number of different causes,
along with a success case which carries an arbitrary value. Function g tries
to return an int status in the case where f returns success, and the failure
status of f otherwise.
% ocamlc -c
This expression cannot be coerced to type
int status = [`Success int|`FailureA|`FailureB|`FailureC];
it has type string status = [`Success string|`FailureA|`FailureB|`FailureC]
but is here used with type int #status as 'a = 'a
The compiler does not filter the Success case out in the default branch of
the compiler, which could tell it to give other the type
other : [`FailureA | `FailureB | `FailureC ]
which could then be coerced to int status.
I know that the exception type system of Francois Pessaux does a similar
filtering. How hard would it be to add this feature to OCaml?
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