Nice feature

From: Max Skaller (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 04:48:49 MET

  • Next message: Max Skaller: "Interpreter vs hardware threads"

    Just thought I'd say -- the new error diagnostic produced for missing
    from matches -- listing cases that are not tested for -- is superb.
    This is saving me a lot of time. Thanks!

    BTW: I'm about to find out about 'convincing management' to use ocaml.
    I'm working in a C++ shop (C++ is mandatory for much of the production
    code for reasons of both efficiency and binary compatibility),
    with the task of writing a code generator -- which will (probably)
    generate C++, but will (hopefully) be written in ocaml.

    [I tend to push people to breaking point though -- I'm also writing the
    code using my literate programming tool :-]

    John (Max) Skaller at OTT [Open Telecommications Ltd]      -- at work  -- at home

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