> HAs anyone been so crazy as to try to build a palm pilot version of
> ocaml ?
Of course not. However, I've worked on a port of Caml Light a long time ago
(you'll find that from my INRIA Web page). The fact that the device comes
with 8MB is misleading. This is not really memory you can allocate into (in
order to protect data from bogus programs, the Palm has memory protection on
most of its address space). Back in the time of the Pilot 5000, the actual
available memory was something like 64k. I had a small lambda-calculus
running on my Pilot 5000 (isn't that useful ?).
Hopefully these days with 8MB devices, we should get more heap (128k?).
Porting Caml Light is easier than OCaml because the runtime used to work for
platforms where ints are 16bits, which is the case in the Palm development
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