Re: Syntax for label (and more)

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 21:39:41 MET

  • Next message: Don Syme: "RE: Syntax for label, NEW PROPOSAL"

    There have been quite a few interesting topics raised on this list
    recently, so here is a bunch of quick replies:

    - Renaming of exceptions: this will be in 3.00, with the syntax
    "exception E = E'". I implemented this some time ago, but it didn't
    make it in 2.04 for various reasons.

    - Inclusion of structures into larger structures (in the style of
    "open" in SML): I agree this is desirable, and we already have the
    syntax for it ("struct ... include S ... end"). It requires a little
    more implementation work than exception renaming, so I'll probably do
    it for 3.01.

    - User contributions to the standard library: I'm open to concrete
    proposals on this. One of the reasons why the OCaml standard library
    modules have remained minimal is that it's often hard to know what
    would be useful to a significant fraction of users (as opposed to
    functions that only their author is going to use). Also, we must be
    careful to keep the standard library manageable, e.g. with consistent
    naming conventions and good documentation. For all these aspects,
    some kind of peer reviewing of new extensions sounds good.

    - Regarding user accounts on a CVS repository at INRIA: we can open
    accounts on the "auxiliary" CVS server,, if anyone
    needs them. That server is currently an aging Sparc 10 under SunOS
    4(!), and therefore not very pleasant to use, but I have more modern
    hardware available to upgrade it; it's just a question of finding time
    to install it. Also, note that for security reasons, you'll have to
    use SSH to access it. If you'd rather use Sourceforge or a similar
    system, that's fine with us too, we'll put links on our Web sites.

    - Syntax of labels and labeling policy for libraries: now is an
    excellent time to discuss those issues, because it's much easier to
    change now than after 3.00 is out. Concerning the syntax of labels,
    ":" reads nicely, but I'm a bit bothered by having to type "(x : t)"
    for a type constraint rather than "(x: t)". Backward compatibility
    with OLabl is an argument, but backward compatibility with OCaml, Caml
    Light, SML, Classic ML, etc, is a much stronger one!

    Looking at the OCaml lexer, the following 1-character symbols are
    (mostly) up for grabs:
            $ (user-definable infix symbol currently)
            % (ditto)
            & (currently deprecated synonymous for &&)
            \ (never used so far)
            ~ (user-definable prefix symbol currently)

    I can't say that any of these look particularly good as a label
    delimiter, although (tongue in cheek) those of us who type a lot of
    TeX are already used to "a~b" meaning some kind of punctation between
    a and b...


    - Xavier Leroy

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