From: "Georges Mariano" <>
> Following the thread about (the lack of) RAD tools around Ocaml,
> may I suggest an idea...
> [ooops, first : I'm an ocaml newbie and I don't use (yet) Glade,
> so I'm speaking without a clear view of the technical consequences
> the following idea may induce...]
> Would'nt it be useful to define the coupling between a tool like Glade
> and the Ocaml language ???
Indeed, somebody had this idea in the LablGTK project.
There is a small glade interface that was running at that time.
This was even released in the first alpha version of lablgtk:
We just dropped it because what we want is something better integrated
with ocaml: the RAD himself, or at least parts of it, should be
written in ocaml, and for such a goal having to interface the whole of
glade seemed more painful than rewriting it from scratch.
The radtest included in lablgtk-1.00 has an interface very similar to
glade, the only real difference being that you drag and drop to the
tree structure of your window rather than directly on the window
itself. This allows more subtle editing. What it really lacks is
widgets: only 12 of them are currently available, and with only few of
their options.
Jacques Garrigue Kyoto University garrigue at
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