> 1: let main () =
> 2: let file_info : Unix.stats = Unix.stat Sys.argv.(1) in
> 3: let fd = Unix.openfile Sys.argv.(1) [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] perm in
> 4: let buffer = ref "" in
> 5: let bytes_read = Unix.read (fd) (buffer) (file_info.st_size) in
> <snipped>
> But it fails with the error "Unbound record field label st_size" on line 5.
> I can't explain why this is happening; looking at the Unix.ml file, I see
> the st_size field in the Unix.stats record. Any suggestions would be
> appreciated.
Unless you open the Unix-library with "open Unix", you need to write the
fully qualified name:
instead of
Furthermore, strings are not resizable: so you cannot read in anything into
an empty one. Btw., you need not write parenthesis around function
arguments if they are just one word (= an evaluated expression).
Try something like the following code:
let read_file name =
let size = (Unix.stat name).Unix.st_size in
let buf = String.create size
and file = open_in name in
really_input file buf 0 size;
close_in file;
Best regards,
Markus Mottl
-- Markus Mottl, mottl@miss.wu-wien.ac.at, http://miss.wu-wien.ac.at/~mottl
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