Re: reference initialization

From: Hongwei Xi (hwxi@ECECS.UC.EDU)
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 19:47:15 MET DST

  • Next message: Hongwei Xi : "Re: reference initialization"

    What I had in mind is actually something pretty simple (since it won't
    be very useful if it is not simple :-))

    > My gut feeling about this approach is that the type system could
    > probably work well for arrays that are initialized linearly, e.g.
    > let a = Array.create n in
    > for i = 0 to n - 1 do
    > a.(i) <- ...
    > (* at this point, the type system knows that
    > a.(0)...a.(i-1) are initialized and
    > a.(i)...a.(n-1) are not *)
    > done
    > (* at this point, the type system knowns that all elements of a
    > are initialized *)
    > But notice that most of these cases are easily expressed using Array.init!

    But one common case is not covered: when you initialize A[i], you may
    need values stored in A[j] for some 0 <= j < i. Is it possible to make
    'init' handle this case as well. I must say that I have problems writing
    such a function. This is certainly a problem that people who are
    interested in generic programming should study (if it has not be
    studied yet).

    > However, the type system is going to break horribly on more complex
    > initialization patterns, e.g. the following code for tabulating the
    > inverse of a permutation f over [0...n-1] :
    > let a = Array.create n in
    > for i = 0 to n - 1 do a.(f(i)) <- i done
    > So, I don't think the (Caml) programmer will gain much from a type
    > system/static analysis for array initialization. (For a lower-level
    > language such as TAL, the story may be different, though.)

    In this case, I could imagine that there are programmers who
    would like to verify that this code indeed initialize every
    array cell; this is clearly a case where initialization upon
    allocation doesn't make much sense.

    Is it possible to have something like the following in the library:

    Array.init': int -> (int -> (int * 'a)) -> 'a Array

    let Array.init' n f =
      let a = Array.create n in
      for i = 0 to n - 1 do
        let (j, v) = f i
        in a.(j) <- v
      (* then check that all cells are initilized *)

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