> To me, neither approach (ML/Java/C) is satisfying. I have the strong
> feeling that the _only_ way that maximum efficiency and safeness can be
> achieved is to let the programmer specify _proofs_ of safeness when it is
> not obvious at the syntaxic or type level.
> Are there any languages in which the programmer can indicate proofs of
> safeness (regardless of fitness for a particular purpose) of the program
> he is writing, and let the compiler use these proofs?
It is indeed possible to have a type system that can be used (misused? ;)
to prove just about any property of your program - nearly...
A language that implements this is Cayenne:
The type system of Cayenne is equivalent in power to predicate logic
(pretty expressive). However, this expressiveness is bought with
decidability: it is, of course, impossible to automatically prove
everything without sometimes sending your type checker to Nirvana (or
worse: do something unsound)...
Best regards,
Markus Mottl
-- Markus Mottl, mottl@miss.wu-wien.ac.at, http://miss.wu-wien.ac.at/~mottl
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