Markus Mottl writes:
> > Are programs written to make heavy use of exceptions going to be markedly
> > slower than programs written more traditionally with loops/ifs, etc?
> That depends on how you use them. It is well possible to do this in such a
> way that you actually increase performance.
> For example, when inserting elements into a binary tree, the naive version
> always copies the "spine" of the tree, even if the element is already a
> member.
> But if you use exceptions, you can "jump back" and can thus prevent the
> spine from being copied. This normally reduces the load of the garbage
> collector and yields some percent more performance.
I don't see how this would improve performance. If the element is in the tree,
you will be copying the spine until you descend to a point where you discover
the node exists. If you then escape via an exception, the copied nodes will be
collected. Otherwise (but it depends on your specification, I suppose) the
functional way would be to just return the subtree(s) intact, so there would
be no need to copy their spines. Either way, you're generating the same amount
of garbage.
-- Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791
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