Status of pointers in Caml
Pointers exist in Caml, and in fact they spread all over the
place. They are used either implicitely (in the most cases), or
explicitely (in the rare occasions where implicit pointers are
not more handy). The vast majority of pointers usages that are
found in usual programming languages simply disapear in Caml, or
more exactly, those pointers are totally automatically handled by
the compiler and the Caml programmer can safely just ignore their
existence, focusing on the semantic of its program.
For instance lists or trees are defined without explicit pointers
using a concrete datatype definition. The underlying
implementation uses pointers, but this is transparent to the
programmer since pointer handling is done by the compiler.
In the rare occasions where explicit pointers are needed (the most common case is when translating in Caml an algorithm described in a classic imperative language), Caml provides references that are full-fledged pointers, even first class citizen pointers (references can be passed as argument, embedded into arbitrary data structures, and returned as function results).
Explicit pointers are Caml values of type ref
You can program directly with explicit references if you want to, but this is normally a vast of time and effort.
Let's examine the simple example of linked lists (integer lists to be simple). This data type is defined in C (or in Pascal) using explicit pointers, for instance:
/* Cells and lists type in C */ struct cell { int hd; struct cell *tl; }; typedef struct cell cell, *list;
{Cells and lists type in Pascal} type list = ^cell; cell = record hd: integer; tl: cell; end;
We can translate this in Caml, using a sum type definition, without pointers:
type list = Nil | Cons of int * list;;
Cell lists are thus represented as pairs, and the recursive
structure of lists is evident, with the two alternatives, empty
list (the Nil
constructor) and non empty list (the
Automatic management of pointers and automatic memory allocation
shine when allocating list values: one just writes Cons (x, l)
to add x
in front of the list
. In C, you need to write this function, to
allocate a new cell and then fill its fields. For instance:
/* The empty list */ #define nil NULL /* The constructor of lists */ list cons (element x, list l) { list result; result = (list) malloc (sizeof (cellule)); result -> hd = x; result -> tl = l; return (result); }
Similarly, in Pascal:
{Creating a list cell} function cons (x: integer; l: list): list; var p: list; begin new(p); p^.hd := x; p^.tl := l; cons := p end;
We thus see that fields of list cells in the C program have to be mutable, otherwise initialization is impossible. By contrast in Caml, allocation and initialization are merged into a single basic operation: constructor application. This way, immutable data structures are definable (those data types are often refered to as ``pure'' or ``functionnal'' data structures). If physical modifications are necessary for other reasons than mere initialization, Caml provides records with mutable fields. For instance, a list type defining lists whose elements can be in place modified could be written:
type list = Nil | Cons of cell and cell = { mutable hd : int; tl : list };;
If the structure of the list itself must also be modified
(cells must be physically removed from the list), the
field would also be declared as mutable:
type list = | Nil | Cons of cell and cell = {mutable hd : int; mutable tl : list};;
Physical assignments are still useless to allocate mutable
data: you write Cons {hd = 1; tl = l}
to add
to the list l
. Physical assigments
that remain in Caml programs should be just those assignments
that are mandatory to implement the algorithm at hand.
Pointers and mutable fields or vectors
Very often, pointers are used to implement physical modification of data structures. In Caml programs this means using vectors or mutable fields in records. For this kind of use of pointers, the Pascal's instruction:
x^.label := val
is a value of a record having a label
corresponds to the Caml construct
x.label <- val
((where x
is a value
of a record having a label
mutable field). The
Pascal's ^
symbol simply disapears, since
dereferencing is automatically handled by the Caml compiler.
In conclusion: You can use explicit pointers in Caml, exactly as in Pascal or C, but this is not natural, since you get back the usual drawbacks and difficulties of explicit pointers manipulation of classical algorithmic languages. See a more complete example below.
Defining pointers in Caml
The general pointer type can be defined using the definition of a pointer: a pointer is either null, or a pointer to an assignable memory location:
type 'a pointer = Null | Pointer of 'a ref;;
Explicit dereferencing (or reading the pointer's designated
value) and pointer assignment (or writing to the pointer's
designated memory location) are easily defined. We define
dereferencing as a prefix operator named !^
, and
assigment as the infix ^:=
let ( !^ ) = function | Null -> invalid_arg "Attempt to dereference the null pointer" | Pointer r -> !r;; val ( !^ ) : 'a pointer -> 'a = <fun> let ( ^:= ) p v = match p with | Null -> invalid_arg "Attempt to assign the null pointer" | Pointer r -> r := v;; val ( ^:= ) : 'a pointer -> 'a -> unit = <fun>
(The above piece of code is in OCaml syntax. For Caml Light,
write let prefix !^ = ...
and let prefix ^:= = ...
instead of let ( !^ ) = ...
and let ( ^:= ) = ...
Now we define the allocation of a new pointer initialized to points to a given value:
let new_pointer x = Pointer (ref x);;
val new_pointer : 'a -> 'a pointer = <fun>
For instance, let's define and then assign a pointer to an integer:
let p = new_pointer 0;; val p : int pointer = Pointer (ref 0) p^:=1;; - : unit = () !^p;; - : int = 1
Integer Lists
Now we can define lists using explicit pointers as in usual imperative languages:
(* The list type ``à la Pascal'' *) type ilist = cell pointer and cell = {mutable hd : int; mutable tl : ilist};;
We then define allocation of a new cell, the list constructor and its associated destructors.
let new_cell () = {hd = 0; tl = Null};; val new_cell : unit -> cell = <fun>; let cons x l = let c = new_cell () in c.hd <- x; <- l; (new_pointer c : ilist);; val cons : int -> ilist -> ilist = <fun> let hd (l : ilist) = !^l.hd;; val hd : ilist -> int = <fun> let tl (l : ilist) = !^;; val tl : ilist -> ilist = <fun>
We can now write all kind of classical algorithms, based on pointers manipulation, with their associated loops, their unwanted sharing problems and their null pointer errors. For instance, list concatenation, as often described in litterature, physically modifies its first list argument, hooking the second list to the end of the first:
(* Physical append *)
let append (l1 : ilist) (l2 : ilist) =
let temp = ref l1 in
while tl !temp <> Null do
temp := tl !temp
!^ ! <- l2;;
val append : ilist -> ilist -> unit = <fun>
(* An example: *) let l1 = cons 1 (cons 2 Null);; val l1 : ilist = Pointer (ref {hd = 1; tl = Pointer (ref {hd = 2; tl = Null})}) let l2 = cons 3 Null;; val l2 : ilist = Pointer (ref {hd = 3; tl = Null}) append l1 l2;; - : unit = ()
The lists l1
and l2
are effectively
l1;; - : ilist = Pointer (ref {hd = 1; tl = Pointer (ref {hd = 2; tl = Pointer (ref {hd = 3; tl = Null})})})
Just a nasty side effect of physical list concatenation:
now contains the concatenation of the two lists
and l2
, thus the list
no longer exists: in some sense
consumes its first argument. In
other words, the value of a list data now depends on its history,
that is on the sequence of function calls that use the value.
This strange behaviour leads to a lot of difficulties when
explicitely manipulating pointers. Try for instance, the
seemingly harmless:
append l1 l1;;
- : unit = ()
Then evaluate l1
Polymorphic lists
To go beyond Pascal type system, we define polymorphic lists using pointers; here is a simple implementation of those polymorphic mutable lists:
type 'a list = 'a cell pointer and 'a cell = {mutable hd : 'a pointer; mutable tl : 'a list};; let new_cell () = {hd = Null; tl = Null};; let cons x l = let c = new_cell () in c.hd <- new_pointer x; <- l; (new_pointer c : 'a lists);; let hd (l : 'a lists) = !^l.hd;; let tl (l : 'a lists) = !^;; let append (l1 : 'a lists) (l2 : 'a lists) = let temp = ref l1 in while tl !temp <> Null do temp := tl !temp done; !^ ! <- l2;;