Table of contents:
(an underscore) ?
and <-
to assign mutable values ?
explode : string -> char list
and the converse
implode : char list -> string
does not print
everything ? parts of the format string are forgotten ?
go wrong ?
, there is a ``truncated object'' error ?
let f x = let rec f_rec
... versus let rec f x ?
You may obtain the message:
This expression has type ``some type''
but is used with type ``the same ``some type''''.
This may occur very often when using the interactive system.
Explanation: you defined two types with the same name. The compiler does not confuse the two types, but the types are evidently written the same. Consider for instance:
type counter = Counter of int;; let x = Counter 1;;
Now suppose that the type counter is redefined, then we define a function that manipulates the new counter type. You cannot apply the function to x, since x has type (old) counter type:
type counter = Counter of int;; let incr_counter c = match c with Counter x -> Counter (x + 1);; incr_counter : counter -> counter = <fun> incr_counter x;; Interactive input: >incr_counter x;; > ^ This expression has type counter, but is used with type counter.
This phenomenon clearly appears when you load many times the same file into the interactive system, since each reloading redefines the types. When using the batch compiler, and when dependencies between compilation units are not properly handled, the same message appears when an implementation that ought to be recompiled is left unchanged.
Solution: quit your interactive system and reload your files in a new session. If it appears when compiling a file, you have to recompile all the files that your file depends upon.
Polymorphism appears when we introduce type schemes,
that is types with universally quantified type variables. These type
scheme parameters are denoted by the
prefix '
(for instance 'a
). All
type scheme parameters are universally quantified at the head of the schema:
so 'a -> 'a
means: For all types 'a
'a -> 'a
. This quantification of type parameters is
implicit in Caml:
#map;; - : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = <fun>
The type (schema) of map
means For all types 'a, 'b
('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
The polymorphism is only introduced by the definition of names
during a let
construct (either local, or global).
The original rule for the local definition
let name = expr1 in expr2
states that you have to type check expr1 first, then give name
a type scheme (a polymorphic
type) according to the type obtained for expr1, then type-check expr2,
taking a copy of the type scheme of name
for each occurrence of
. The schema of name
is obtained
by finding type parameters, that is all the type variables that have
been introduced during the type-checking of expr1, and that remain
unconstrained at the end of the type-checking of
expr1. For instance:
let id = function x -> x in ...
gets the type scheme: For all 'a. 'a -> 'a, and can be
used with several incompatible types in the rest of the
program, for instance with types int -> int and bool -> bool, if the
part is id 1; id true
Unfortunately this simple rule is not correct in the presence of mutable values (such as references, arrays, or records with mutable fields). Consider:
let bad_ref = ref [] in ...With the original let rule,
has the type schema
``For all 'a
. 'a list ref
So, the reference can be used with different incompatible
types in the rest of the program, which is erroneous (lists must be
homogeneous in Caml). For instance, if you use bad_ref
with types int list ref
and bool list ref
then you can write:
let bad_ref = ref [] in bad_ref := [1]; if hd (!bad_ref) then ...
(bad_ref := [1]
is correctly type-checked, since
can be used with type int list ref,
hd (!bad_ref)
is correctly type-checked, since
can be used with type type bool list ref.
But this program leads to a fatal error at run-time,
since after the assignment, bad_ref
contains an integer list not a
boolean list.
In short, a secure type system for Caml must forbid the existence of polymorphic mutable values at run-time. This has been extensively studied, and many complex systems have been proposed. It appears now that a very simple modification of the original rule is almost completely satisfactory. When type-checking
let name = expr1 ...
The type of expr1 is generalized when expr1 is a function, an
identifier or a constant. Otherwise the identifier name
is not polymorphic (type variables are not generalized).
The new rule implies that if expr1 is a function application, then the identifier name
is monomorphic.
For instance
let bad_ref = ref [] in ...
is not polymorphic, and that's what we want. In
let map_id = map (function x -> x) in ...
Since map_id
is defined by an application, its type is not
generalized and map_id
cannot be used with several different
types. So,
#let map_id = map (function x -> x) in map_id [1]; map_id [true];; Toplevel input: >map_id [1]; map_id [true];; > ^^^^^^ This expression has type bool list, but is used with type int list.
is ill-typed (the first use of map_id
, that is map_id
implies that map_id
has type int list -> int
, and map_id [true]
is ill-typed).
The next section explains how to get a polymorphic definition for
, and how to get a polymorphic result when a
polymorphic function is partially applied.
The more common case to get a ``not polymorphic enough'' definition
is when defining a function via partial application
of a general polymorphic function.
In this case, you recover a fully polymorphic definition by
clearly exhibiting the functionality to the type-checker:
define the function with an explicit functional abstraction, that is,
add a function
construct or an extra parameter (this
rewriting is known as eta-expansion):
let map_id l = map (function x -> x) l in ...or alternatively
let map_id = function l -> map (function x -> x) l in ...The new definition is semantically equivalent and can be assigned a polymorphic type scheme, since it is no more a function application.
?When an identifier is defined by an expression which cannot be
generalized, the identifier can have a type with unknowns (that is
type variables which cannot be generalized) which will be determined
(that is assigned a type value) by the usage of the identifier in the
rest of the program. These
unknown types are special type variables, prefixed by an underscore
(e.g. '_a
Beware, these variables stand for unknown types to be determined by
the type checking process: that's why these variables
may disappear, precisely because their type value has been discovered.
let map_id = map (function x -> x) in map_id [1];;
After its definition map_id
has type '_a list -> '_a
, where '_a
means some type
. When typing map_id [1]
this unknown type gets bound to int
has type int list -> int list
the rest of the program).
This phenomenon appears even more clearly if we break the
let in
construct in two phrases:
#let map_id = map (function x -> x);; map_id : '_a list -> '_a list = <fun> #map_id [1];; - : int list = [1]
Now the unknown '_a
in the type of map_id
determined, and map_id
has a type without unknowns:
#map_id;; - : int list -> int list = <fun>The following section
Semantically, the definition of an identifier by a
construct is equivalent to a function
application. More exactly, let ident = e1 in e2
is equivalent to
(function ident -> e2) e1
. This means that the two
programs produce the same results and the same effects.
However, the two programs are not completely equivalent as far as type
checking is concerned: in effect, the let
version may
introduce some polymorphism, while the function application does not,
and forces ident
to be completely monomorphic when typing the
expression e2
#let id = function x -> x in id id;; - : '_a -> '_a = <fun>But:
#(function id -> id id) (function x -> x);; Toplevel input: >(function id -> id id) (function x -> x);; > ^^ This expression has type 'a -> 'b, but is used with type 'a.
The argument of a function cannot be polymorphic inside the body of the function. Every occurrence of the argument constraints its type. Thus one cannot write a functional with a function as argument, if this function is used with two different types. For instance, you can write a function that applies a polymorphic identifier:
#let id x = x;; id : 'a -> 'a = <fun> #let phi () = id 1, id true;; phi : unit -> int * bool = <fun>But you cannot abstract this identifier as an argument of the
#let phi id () = id 1, id true;; Toplevel input: >let phi id () = id 1, id true;; > ^^^^ This expression has type bool, but is used with type int.
A recursive function cannot be used polymorphically in the body of its definition. Every monomorphic use of the function has an impact on the final type of the defined function:
#let rec black_hole x = black_hole 0;; black_hole : int -> 'a = <fun>The
function is evidently looping, but the type
that Caml has obtained is surprising: the argument x
be of type int
, even though it is not used in the body of
the function. Applying
to an integer argument inside its body
constraints its type.
This is also clear for mutually recursive functions. For instance:
#let rec identity x = x and identity_int x = (identity x : int);; identity : int -> int = <fun> identity_int : int -> int = <fun>The second definition of
with type int -> int, and thus
is monomorphic.
There is no completely satisfactory answer to this problem, but several partial solutions:
#let rec identity x = x and id_int (id : 'a -> 'a) x = (id x : int);; identity : 'a -> 'a = <fun> id_int : (int -> int) -> int -> int = <fun> #let identity_int x = id_int identity x;; identity_int : int -> int = <fun>
#let forward_id = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined") : 'a -> 'a));; forward_id : ('_a -> '_a) ref = ref <fun> #let rec identity x = x and id_int x = (!forward_id x : int);; identity : 'a -> 'a = <fun> id_int : int -> int = <fun> #forward_id;; - : ('_a -> int) ref = ref <fun> #forward_id := identity;; - : unit = () #forward_id;; - : (int -> int) ref = ref <fun>Now
has the type of the corresponding occurrence
of the identity
function, while
remains polymorphic.
#forward_id;; - : (int -> int) ref = ref <fun> #identity;; - : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
When functions are really mutually recursive as in
#let rec f x = g 1 and g x = 1 + f x;; f : int -> int = <fun> g : int -> int = <fun>To obtain a polymorphic typing for
you have to predefine the function g
since it has a monomorphic occurrence
(more exactly you have to define a version of the function
for each of the monomorphic occurrences)
#let forward_g_int = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined") : 'a -> 'b));; forward_g_int : ('_a -> '_b) ref = ref <fun> #let rec f x = !forward_g_int 1 and g x = 1 + f x;; f : 'a -> int = <fun> g : 'a -> int = <fun> #forward_g_int := g;; - : unit = ()
In some cases, some programs which are not typable by the Caml system
used, can be rewritten to be typable.
If we also use f
with a monomorphic type:
let rec f x = g 1 and g x = 1 + f true + f x;; Toplevel input: >and g x = 1 + f true + f x;; > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This expression has type bool -> int, but is used with type int -> int.To overcome the problem, we define an extra version for
for the type bool
#let forward_f_bool = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined") : 'a -> 'b));; forward_f_bool : ('_a -> '_b) ref = ref <fun> #let forward_g_int = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined") : 'a -> 'b));; forward_g_int : ('_a -> '_b) ref = ref <fun> #let rec f x = !forward_g_int 1 and g x = 1 + !forward_f_bool true + f x;; f : 'a -> int = <fun> g : 'a -> int = <fun> #forward_f_bool := f;; - : unit = () #forward_g_int := g;; - : unit = ()
If we use an identifier with several distinct monomorphic types, we predefine a version of the identifier for each type of use. For instance to define
let rec f x = f 1; f true; x;;We predefine two versions for
, one for integers and one
for booleans:
#let forward_f_bool = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined")));; forward_f_bool : ('_a -> '_b) ref = ref <fun> #let forward_f_int = (ref (fun _ -> raise (Failure "undefined")));; forward_f_int : ('_a -> '_b) ref = ref <fun> #let rec f x = !forward_f_int 1; !forward_f_bool true; x;; f : 'a -> 'a = <fun> #forward_f_bool := f;; - : unit = () #forward_f_int := f;; - : unit = ()
When you define two types sharing a label name, the last defined type hides the labels of the first type. For instance:
type point_3d = {x : float; y : float; z : float};; type point_2d = {x : float; y : float};; # {x = 10.; y = 20.; z = 30.};; The record field label z belongs to the type point_3d but is here mixed with labels of type point_2d
The simplest way to overcome this problem is simply ... to use different names! For instance
type point3d = {x3d : float; y3d : float; z3d : float};; type point2d = {x2d : float; y2d : float};;
Another solution is to use modules:
module D3 = struct type point = {x : float; y : float; z : float} end;; module D2 = struct type point = {x : float; y : float} end;;
This way labels can be fully qualified as D3.x
# {D3.x = 10.; D3.y = 20.; D3.z = 30.};; - : D3.point = {D3.x = 10.000000; D3.y = 20.000000; D3.z = 30.000000} # {D2.x = 10.; D2.y = 20.};; - : D2.point = {D2.x = 10.000000; D2.y = 20.000000}
You can also use objects that provide overloading on method names:
class point_3d ~x ~y ~z = object method x : float = x method y : float = y method z : float = z end;; class point_2d ~x ~y = object method x : float = x method y : float = y end;;
Note that objects provide you more than overloading: you can define
truly polymorphic functions, working on both point_3d
, and you can even coerce a point_3d
to a point_2d
Generally speaking you cannot. As for all other names, you must use distinct name constructors. However, you can define the two types in two different name spaces, i.e. into two different modules. As for labels discussed above, you obtain constructors that can be qualified by their module names.
Alternatively you can use polymorphic variants, i.e. constructors that are, in some sense, predefined, since they are not defined by a type definition. For instance:
type ids = [ `Name | `Val ];; type person = [ `Name of string ];; # let (f : person -> string) = function `Name s -> s;; val f : person -> string = <fun> # let (is_name : ids -> bool) = function `Name -> true | _ -> false;; val is_name : ids -> bool = <fun>
Yes, Caml offers functions that manipulate bits of the representation of integer numbers:
computes the logical ``and'' of the
corresponding bits of two integer numbers.
computes the logical ``or'' of the corresponding
bits of two integer numbers.
shifts to the left the bits of an integer (hence
n lsl 1
multiplies n
by 2
shifts to the right the bits of an integer,
taking care of the sign bit of the number (hence n asr 1
divides n
by 2
, maintaining in the result
the sign of n
shifts to the right the bits of an integer, but
the sign bit of the argument is not preserved (hence n lsl
divides n
by 2
, with no care for
the sign of n
turns each bit to its logical negation.
You can directly input the bits of an integer by prefixing the list of
its bits by 0b
# 0b101;; - : int = 5
Using bitwise operators, you can access and set the bits of a number:
let nth_bit n i = (n lsr i) land 1;; val nth_bit : int -> int -> int = <fun>
let set_nth_bit n i = n lor (1 lsl i);; val set_nth_bit : int -> int -> int = <fun>
let clear_nth_bit n i = n land (lnot ((1 lsl i)));; val clear_nth_bit : int -> int -> int = <fun>
Using those operators and character strings, you can also define bit arrays.
In C language, we can define a variable size as a unit of bits.
For example,
unsigned int a:1 ;
unsigned int b:4 ;
The symbol ":" is used to set up the number of bits.
Can I define OCaml-variables in the same way?
No, you can't. The smallest unit for data representations is the machine word. You can also work at the level of bytes by using strings as byte arrays.
Because I want to make some data header by using bits as little as possible.
The style that I imagine is...type hd = { flag : int_1 ; on_off : int_1 ; seq_num : int_4 } ;; let header = { flag = 1 ; on_off = 0 ; seq_num = 0101 } ;;
The best you could do is represent hd
as an integer and define
constructor and accessors functions yourself:
type hd = int;; let make_hd flag on_off seq_num = flag lor (on_off lsl 1) lor (seq_num lsl 2);; let flag_hd h = h land 1;; let on_off_hd h = (h lsr 1) land 1;; let seq_num_hd h = (h lsr 2) land 0xF;; let header = make_hd 1 0 0b0101;;
There are two equality functions in Caml: =
that are polymorphic with type: 'a -> 'a ->
bool. These two functions are different and must not be confused:
tests the identity of its arguments, by
testing the physical equality of memory
representations. ==
is very efficient since this predicate
generally corresponds to a single machine instruction. ==
can be applied to any couple of values with the same type, and never
fails: for all the values that are not allocated the bits of their
representations are checked for identity, and for all the values that
are allocated in memory, the predicate tests if the two values are
stored in the same memory location.
tests semantic equality: are the arguments
isomorphic ? To test it, =
explores in parallel the two
values, until it finds a difference, or the exploration ends.
may loop in case of cyclic values.
In short: ==
: you must know
something about the internal representation of values to use it
properly. (For instance, two floating point numbers with the same
digits will not be ==
in most Caml systems.)
In contrast, =
may loop for ever (even if it could be conceivable to
design a more clever algorithm that may succeed more often).
Strings are allocated in the memory, so the semantic difference
between =
and ==
is evident:
#let s = "ok";; s : string = "ok" #s == s;; - : bool = true #s == "ok";; - : bool = false #s = "ok";; - : bool = true #"ok" == "ok";; - : bool = false #"ok" = "ok";; - : bool = true
Comparing the behavior of predicates over mutable values is also interesting:
is more accurate than =
, since
does not always answer the same for the same inputs.
#let x = ref 1 and y = ref 1;; x : int ref = ref 1 y : int ref = ref 1 #x = y;; - : bool = true #x == y;; - : bool = false #x := 2;; - : unit = () #x = y;; - : bool = false #x == y;; - : bool = false
For floating point numbers ==
is not appropriate:
1.0 == 1.0;; - : bool = false
It means that floating point numbers are allocated in this case, hence
not ==
. For floating points numbers, you must use =
For lists ==
comparison is also strange:
#[1] == [1];; - : bool = false #[1] = [1];; - : bool = true
Roughly speaking, it is always the same for values belonging to non
mutable data structures: comparison using the =
leads to the intuitively sound results.
Values that belong to an abstract data type cannot be compared by the
polymorphic predicates =
or ==
, but must be
compared by a specific equality function (that should be given with
the definition of the abstract data type): in effect the results
returned by the predefined equality predicates have no meaning for
abstract data types, since the representation of values from an
abstract data type have no relationship with their semantic meaning.
For instance, consider the equality test for rational numbers
implemented as a product type; the rational numbers 1/1 and 2/2 are
semantically equal, but the predicate =
detects that
their representations are different:
#type ratio = {numerator : int; denominator : int};; Type ratio defined. #{numerator = 1; denominator = 1} = {numerator = 2; denominator = 2};; - : bool = false
Use the comparison defined by the module that defines the abstract data type (example). If this comparison is not provided by the module, there is no reliable mean to compare values of this type.
A common error is to compare streams with the =
predicate: since the stream type is an abstract data type, comparison
with =
is meaningless (see
The functional values belong to an abstract data type: as a
consequence you cannot compare functions with the predicates
or ==
details). Moreover there is no
predefined predicate to compare functional
values, since there is no way to prove that two
functions are equal (this is an undecidable problem).
In some case =
detects these incorrect functional
arguments and fails, raising the exception Invalid_argument
#let id = function x -> x;; id : 'a -> 'a = <fun> #id = (function z -> let x = 1 in if x = 2 then z else id z);; Uncaught exception: Invalid_argument "equal: functional value"
When faced with functional values, the ==
predicate tests
the identity of the representations of values (as usual): if ==
returns true
the functions are indeed equal; however if
returns false
, this result demonstrates
the physical inequality of the two functions, and this is by no
means a proof that the functions are semantically different.
#(function x -> x) == (function x -> x);; - : bool = false #let f = function x -> x in f == f;; - : bool = true
The predefined equality predicate =
fails as soon as it
encounters a functional value to be tested during its recursive
descent into values.
For values of an abstract data types, this error can be surprising
if you are not aware that the implementation of the type at hand uses
functions to represent the data.
For instance
the module set
from the standard Caml Light library,
provides an implementation of sets through the abstract data type
. The representation of a set as a value of type
embodies the function used to compare the elements of
the set. That's why any comparison of sets using the
predicate =
leads to an error:
#let rec set_of_list = function | x :: l -> set__add x (set_of_list l) | [] -> set__empty (prefix -);; set_of_list : int list -> int set__t = <fun>
#set_of_list [0] = set_of_list [0];; Uncaught exception: Invalid_argument "equal: functional value"
The solution is to use the corresponding predicate for sets provided
by the set
#set__equal (set_of_list [0]) (set_of_list [0]);; - : bool = true
Yes, you just list the patterns |
separated. The clause
is selected if one of the patterns applies (hence the ``or'' patterns
name). For example:
#let rec fib = function | 0 | 1 -> 1 | n -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2);;
``or'' patterns are restricted: they cannot define variables. You must use constants, functional value constructors, or underscore wildcards only. That way, variables used in the expression part of the clause are always defined whatever the selected pattern could be.
These patterns only concern character intervals.
let is_upper = function | `A` .. `Z` -> true | _ -> false;;
The first pattern apply to any character from
to `Z`
Guards allow to mix structural pattern matching to conditional tests. A pattern matching clause with a guard, applied only if the boolean condition in the guard evaluates to true. These kind of test cannot be expressed in terms of pattern matching, since they means arbitrary computation with the values manipulated by the program.
A typical example is to test some condition before applying a clause,
or testing equality of two variables bound into the pattern (that
allows to test the equality of some components the value at hand
during the pattern matching).
Guards are introduced by the keyword when
followed by an
expression (that must evaluate to a boolean) to be tested.
For example:
let rec boolean_or = function | x, y when x = y -> x | true, _ -> true | x, y -> boolean_or (y, x);;The first clause applies only if the pair
(x, y)
has two equal components (that is x = y
Guards add an extra phenomenon for the pattern matching exhaustivity
test, since the compiler treats guarded clauses as if they always can
fail, due to a failure of the guard (which means the guard may evaluate to
Here is a typical example:
I'm defining a simple function : two cases, one forn >= 0
and the other forn < 0
. Yet the compiler warns for a ``non exhaustive pattern matching''. Why ? Is there some case where the pattern matching indeed fails ?
let f = function | n when n >= 0 -> n | n when n < 0 -> n + 1;; Toplevel input: >........function > | n when n >= 0 -> n > | n when n < 0 -> n + 1.. Warning: this matching is not exhaustive. f : int -> int = <fun>
The pattern matching is exhaustive. But the compiler is not able to (statically) prove it. Since there is no restriction on the complexity of expressions in guards, there is no means to figure out which result they may produce. In the example at hand, the compiler should prove that the two patterns (guards) are mutually exclusive, and this is not possible in general.
Is it mandatory to add an extraneous (useless) clause as a catch-all ? Something like:let f = function | n when n >= 0 -> n | n when n < 0 -> n + 1 | _ -> failwith "impossible";;
No, to help the compiler, you just have to make explicit in your code that you know that the second clause is always verified if the first fails. The best way is just to cancel the second guard, writing:
let f = function | n when n >= 0 -> n | n -> n + 1;;
A more elegant solution is to comment out the guard (the human reader may be happy to have it):
let f = function | n when n >= 0 -> n | n (* n < 0 *) -> n + 1;;
For such simple cases, one may think to add a special case to the compiler to detect exhaustivity in the presence of guards. Unfortunately this cannot be generalized, for complex cases, as this one:
let rec f = function | n when n >= 0 -> n | n when - f (- n) < 0 -> n + 1;;
Here, pattern matching is exhaustive, but this really (a bit) tricky to prove!
Note that it is intrinsically complex: even a simple rule as ``in case of testing the same expression, with two mutually exclusive predicates, then the second guard always apply'' is false. Consider for instance:
let rec f = function | n when g (n + 1) >= 0 -> n | n when g (n + 1) < 0 -> n + 1 and g = let alea = ref true in (function n -> alea := not !alea; if !alea then -1 else 1);;
Even if the same g (n + 1)
expression is compared to be
greater than 0 in the first rule and less than 0 in the second rule,
the pattern matching of f
is far from exhaustive, it is even
almost completely non exhaustive!
An alternative way of asking the same question:
I need an ``impossible'' value, that can be used as a ``sentinel'', since
my function may compute results that have no meaning, in case of
strange arguments. Unfortunately this is not elegant and suppresses
polymorphism ...
First of all there is no ``impossible value'' in Caml. The Caml way to solve the problem is to explicitly define the impossible value using a new type with the two alternatives:
type 'a guarded_value = | Impossible | Possible of 'a;;
This way you can explicitly test if a value is ``impossible'' or not.
By the way the guarded_value
type is isomorphic to the
``option'' type, used for optional values:
type 'a option = | None | Some of 'a;;
This type serves to initiate data that contains parts that cannot be
computed when the values are defined: the corresponding part (probably
a mutable field in a record) is initiated with None
updated with the right value when possible.
Another variant of the same question is:
``I thought to define a sum type 'a | Failed
, and then
every function could return an "union" of its normal result and Failed ?''
Caml provides a clean way to obtain this behavior: the
exception mechanism. A function may return a regular result when it is
possible, and raise an exception otherwise.
Many predefined functions behave like this, and fail raising
either the exception Not_found
(for functions that try to
find something), or the exception Failure
if nothing is
more appropriate.
For instance: working with maps on sets (finite mappings from a set to
another one).
Consider the predicate that given (x : 'a)
(y : 'a)
returns true if x and y have the same image and
false otherwise. We use the predefined
function map__find
and carefully catch its failures:
let map_compare cle1 cle2 table = try let image_cle1 = map__find cle1 table in let image_cle2 = map__find cle2 table in image_cle1 = image_cle2 with Not_found -> false;;
The first lazy operator is obviously the conditional, the ``if then else'' construct, since the expressions in the ``then'' and ``else'' part are not systematically evaluated.
Furthermore, boolean operators are defined using ``if then else'':
e1 && e2
means if e1 then e2 else false
e1 || e2
means if e1 then true else e2
thus, these operators inherit a lazy behavior from the conditional:
if e1
is false then e1 && e2
evaluates to
false, and e2
is not evaluated.
There is no Caml function having the same lazy behavior, since the
arguments of a Caml function are always fully evaluated before the
function is called (call by value).
So, there is no Caml function f
such that f e1 e2
is equivalent to e1 && e2
. However, the prefix operator
corresponding to &&
still exists.
In effect, for all other predefined infixes, the prefix function f
corresponding to operator op
is defined as:
let f e1 e2 = e1 op e2;;For boolean operators this rule still applies, and we get:
let (prefix &&) e1 e2 = e1 && e2;;which evidently means:
let (prefix &&) e1 e2 = if e1 then e2 else false;;So, be aware that, due to this lazy behavior of boolean operators,
(prefix &&) e1 e2
is not absolutely equivalent to e1
&& e2
: (prefix &&) e1 e2
always evaluates its two
arguments, and it is the strict version of boolean &&
This discussion vanishes if the predefined boolean operators have been rebound to a regular Caml function: in this case infix and prefix versions of the operators are completely equivalent.
(* Lazy lists *) type 't llist = | Nil | Cons of 't cell and 't cell = { hd : 't ; tl : unit -> 't llist} ;; let rec lmap f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons {hd = x; tl = t} -> Cons {hd = f x; tl = (fun () -> lmap f (t ()))};; let rec ldo_list f n = function | Nil -> () | Cons {hd = x; tl = t} -> if n > 0 then begin f x; ldo_list f (n - 1) (t ()) end;; let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = (fun () -> lmap succ nat)};; ldo_list print_int 10 nat;; nat;;
(* With sharing of the computation of the tail of the list *) type 't llist = | Nil | Cons of 't cell and 't cell = { hd : 't ; mutable tl : unit -> 't llist} ;; let rec lmap f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons ({hd = x; tl = t} as cell) -> Cons {hd = f x; tl = (function () -> let tail = t () in <- (fun () -> tail); lmap f tail)};; let rec ldo_list f n = function | Nil -> () | Cons ({hd = x; tl = t} as cell) -> if n > 0 then begin f x; let tail = t () in <- (fun () -> tail); ldo_list f (n - 1) tail end;; let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = (fun () -> lmap succ nat)};; ldo_list print_int 5 nat;; nat;;
With explicit thunks:
type 'a frozen = | Freeze of (unit -> 'a) | Val of 'a;; type 'a llist = | Nil | Cons of 'a cell and 'a cell = { hd : 'a ; mutable tl : 'a llist frozen} ;; let rec lmap f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons {hd = x; tl = Val l} -> Cons {hd = f x; tl = Freeze (function () -> lmap f l)} | Cons ({hd = x; tl = Freeze th} as cell) -> let thunk () = let tail = th () in <- Val tail; lmap f tail in Cons {hd = f x; tl = Freeze thunk};; let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = Freeze (fun () -> lmap succ nat)};; let rec ldo_list f n = function | Nil -> () | Cons {hd = x; tl = Val l} -> if n > 0 then begin f x; ldo_list f (n - 1) l end | Cons ({hd = x; tl = Freeze th} as cell) -> if n > 0 then begin f x; let tail = th () in <- Val tail; ldo_list f (n - 1) tail end;;
(* Example *) #let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = Freeze (fun () -> lmap succ nat)};; nat : int llist = Cons {hd=0; tl=Freeze <fun>} #ldo_list print_int 5 nat;; 01234- : unit = () #nat;; - : int llist = Cons {hd=0; tl= Val (Cons {hd=1; tl= Val (Cons {hd=2; tl=Val (Cons {hd=3; tl=Val (Cons {hd=4; tl=Freeze <fun>})})})})}
Beside the common programming errors, functions that manipulate
streams may loop because they are not enough ``lazy'' to evaluate
their stream arguments.
This loss of laziness is mainly due to two reasons:
a let
construct that is not protected by a stream
construction or else a pattern matching that forces to complete the
computation of the stream argument before being able to select the
right clause of the pattern matching.
Before examining these two cases, let me recall the main rule
of stream computation:
Stream construction is lazy. In contrast, the pattern matching of streams forces the evaluation of streams in order to select the right clause of the pattern matching (recall that this pattern matching physically consumes the elements of the stream).
This lazy evaluation mechanism explains that you may build (potentially) infinite streams, such as the sequence of integers following a given integer:
#let rec following n = [< 'n; following (n + 1) >];; following : int -> int stream = <fun>
The recursive call following (n + 1)
is lazily evaluated,
that is to say, it is delayed until the second element of the stream
is accessed.
Analogously, you may write a function that doubles the elements of a stream, using pattern matching on the first element of the stream, and lazy construction of the rest of the result:
#let rec double = function [< 'n; s >] -> [< '(2 * n); double s >];; double : int stream -> int stream = <fun>
Note that a function defined on streams may loop via a recursive call
written in a pattern. In fact, such a recursive call may imply to
compute the whole stream to verify that it matches the pattern.
Consider, a rewriting of the function double
, where the
recursive call is now inside the pattern and produces the tail of the result:
#let rec loop = function [< 'n; loop s >] -> [< '(2 * n); s >];; loop : int stream -> int stream = <fun>The recursive call on the tail of the stream argument requires the computation of the entire stream to prove that
may be applied on the tail of its stream argument; the recursive call
now leads to the pattern matching with the same pattern, that implies
again the computation of another element, and thus the function loops if its
stream argument is infinite, or fails if the stream is finite (since
the recursive calls will ultimately end when the stream is empty, and
the function cannot be applied to an empty stream):
#loop [< '1 >];; Uncaught exception: Parse_error
The toplevel pretty-printer must print cyclic values.
So, the pretty-printer uses a truncation mechanism to ensure
termination. This truncation involves two counters:
measures nesting depth of values to print (for
instance an element within a list within a list has depth 2);
measures the number of node printed so far
(for instance each element printed in a list increments
). The default value of
is 100, the default value of
is 300. You can change these values using
the functions set_print_depth
and set_print_length
If you use the directive install_printer
to create
a pretty-printer for your values, then you must use
the formatting primitives and printing functions from the
module to write your pretty-printer. Otherwise, output from your
pretty-printer and from the Caml system will not be synchronized.
In effect, the system uses the ``format'' module and its
pretty-printing engine, which delays the actual output of the
material, since the pretty-printing engine records the printing
commands, then decides where lines have to be cut, and then really
prints the enqueued items.
If you use low level primitives, you may print before the
pretty-printing engine, although your printing commands have been
executed after the printing commands sent to the pretty-printing engine.
Suppose for instance
that I declare the io__print_string
(that is
the low level print_string
primitive from the
module), as the default printer for character strings.
Then strings will be output too early, before the toplevel output starts:
#"coucou";; - : string = "coucou" #install_printer "io__print_string";; - : unit = () #"coucou";; coucou- : string =
If you use the install_printer
directive to create
a pretty-printer for your values, then you must write it using the
library. This way, you properly synchronize
your output and the output from the trace system, as in the case of
interactive use of the Caml system
(see a detailed
explanation or an
example using
the pretty-printer when tracing).
Since Caml offers
and more generally mutable values such as
one could ask what can be the usefulness of mutable fields in records,
since instead of a mutable field one can define an immutable field
that contains a mutable value (say a reference). This is almost true,
but the subtle difference makes the rule of thumb that you generally
have to prefer a mutable field (in particular because this save an
extra indirection (an extra memory access) each time you access the
However, the semantic difference is subtile, and obviously involves
sharing: the reference that is stored in the immutable field of a
record may be physically shared by several records.
Each mutation of this reference cell is transparently recorded by all
these records. If this semantics was implemented using a mutable
record field, the modification would have been to be done for all the
In practice, this behavior is rarely the one you want, it is likely
to be a bug. As an example, consider
the account
type defined with references as:
#type account = {number : int; balance : float ref};; Type account defined. #let balance1 = ref 0.0;; balance1 : float ref = ref 0.0 #let account1 = {number = 1; balance = balance1} and account2= {number = 2; balance = balance1};; account1 : account = {number = 1; balance = ref 0.0} account2 : account = {number = 2; balance = ref 0.0}Accounts
and account2
now share
the same balance: every assignment to the balance of
will change the balance of
, and although this can be expected from the
definition of the two accounts, this behavior sounds like a real bug.
#account1.balance := 1.0;; - : unit = () #account2;; - : account = {number = 2; balance = ref 1.0}Definition of mutable record fields that contain mutable values is not forbidden, but examples that needs this kind of hairy definitions are not common (see this example).
Normally this should not occur; however it still occurs in case of weird circumstances, due to a programming error or to a particular OS or processor:
, input_value
, etc,
Very often, you should use the Caml debugger to precisely find where in your code the error is occurring, and then correct the program.
The main reason is historical: Caml was invented before SML.
The Caml language is issued from the original ML language, invented by Robin Milner in 1978, and developed jointly at INRIA from 1981. The first Caml compiler was written in 1984, and distributed from 1985. Standard ML was not yet invented, and Caml's syntax was similar to the syntax of ML V6.2, whose compiler was used to compile the first Caml compiler. When the syntax of Standard ML has been defined, Caml kept its own syntax, for several reasons. The first reason is questionable and subjective: we thought that SML's syntax was not a major improvement of the original ML syntax (hence of Caml's one). The second, more fundamental, reason is that we thought the language not to be mature enough at that time to be completely defined and fixed by a standard; we are still doing some progress on the understanding of some features of ML, and these progress may imply some important modifications of the language (let's cite the type checking of imperative features or the semantics and type checking of modules). In addition, we wanted to be free to add some new constructs (and indeed we did it, e.g. ``for''loops, ``try with'' and ``match with'', character constants, access to vectors and strings, ``mutable'' annotations for records, ``when'' clauses in pattern matching). This relative freedom with respect to the syntax allows the emergence of new variants of Caml: for instance the Caml Light and Objective Caml systems have their own extensions to the core syntax of Caml.
Hence Caml has its own syntax.
To ensure that any piece of Caml program can be commented out, Caml comments are analyzed during the lexical phase of parsing. This means that the lexical conventions of Caml must be carefully followed inside comments. The main problem is strings: a double quote inside a comment is understood as the beginning of a string, and the lexical analyser will look forward to find a closing double quote for the string. For instance:
(* Nai"ve sorting algorithm *)is a ``never ended'' comment. In contrast the following text is a single comment:
(* And what happens when s contains the two characters * followed by ) ? let comment_string s = print_string "(*"; print_string s; print_string "*)";; *)
and <-
to assign mutable values ?The reason is semantic ambiguity, when one mixes references and mutable record fields:
type crazy = {mutable r : 'a ref};; let x = {r = ref 0};;Now consider the two assignments:
x.r := expression
x.r <- expression
(1) clearly means change the contents of the
reference (expression
must have type
(2) means that the reference cell contained in the r
field of the record must be changed by a new one
(hence expression
must have type
int ref
If we had the same syntax to mean the two operations, then an
ambiguity would exist...
explode : string -> char list
and the converse
implode : char list -> string
?There is no equivalent primitives in the library. You can use the following :
let explode s = let rec exp i l = if i < 0 then l else exp (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in exp (string_length s - 1) [];;
let implode l = let res = create_string (list_length l) in let rec imp i = function | [] -> res | c :: l -> res.[i] <- c; imp (i + 1) l in imp 0 l;;
let explode s = let rec exp i l = if i < 0 then l else exp (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in exp (String.length s - 1) [];;
let implode l = let res = String.create (List.length l) in let rec imp i = function | [] -> res | c :: l -> res.[i] <- c; imp (i + 1) l in imp 0 l;;
does not print
everything ? parts of the format string are forgotten ?let no_problem l = List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " ** %i" i) l; print_newline ();; let problem l = List.iter (Printf.printf " ** %i") l; print_newline ();;
let l = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4] in no_problem l; problem l;; ** 0 ** 1 ** 2 ** 3 ** 4 ** 01234
This behavior is normal, even if it can be surprising at first glance. The statement ``It should be the same'' is based on the assumption that
fun i -> Printf.printf " ** %i" iand
Printf.printf " ** %i"are two equivalent expressions, since it is the only difference between the two programs,
. At first glance, you can think that these two
expressions could be equivalent, but in fact they are not.
and g
let f = fun i -> Printf.printf " ** %i" i;; val f : int -> unit = <fun> let g = Printf.printf " ** %i";; ** val g : int -> unit = <fun>As we expect, the definition of
does not output
anything; in contrast, the definition of g
prints something!printf
Printf.printf " ** %i"
a shorthand for: print_string " ** "; fun i -> print_int i
Now, the definition of g
is equivalent to
let g = print_string " ** "; fun i -> print_int i;;and so it prints the string
" ** "
before binding
to the function fun i -> Printf.printf "%i"
The same scheme (recursively applied to the format string)
gives you the meaning of complex applications of printf
to complex
format string.
Now, we can see that the expression printf "1: %i 2: %s 3:
is in fact equivalent to
print_string "1: "; (fun i -> print_int i; print_string " 2: "; (fun s -> print_string s; print_string " 3: "; (fun f -> print_float f; print_string ".")))This explicit meaning of
explains the behavior of
the following definitions:
let h = Printf.printf "1: %i 2: %s 3: %f." 1;; 1: 1 2: val h : string -> float -> unit = <fun>and
let i = h "two";; two 3: val i : float -> unit = <fun> i 4.0;; 4.000000.- : unit = ()
In conclusion: avoid partial applications of printf
use the explicit functional form fun x -> printf "..."
when passing printf "..."
as argument to some
other function); you can evidently bypass this warning and use partial
applications of printf
, if only you are a ``printf expert'' that
perfectly knows what he is doing and bets that the reader of the
program would also understand the complex machinery at work in
this part of the code!
You must create an image and save it on the disk using
. For instance:
(* Write an image to the file ``file_name'' *) let output_image im file_name = let oc = open_out_bin file_name in let imv = dump_image im in output_value oc imv; close_out oc;; (* Read an image from the file ``file_name'' *) let input_image file_name = let ic = open_in_bin file_name in let im = make_image (input_value ic) in close_in ic; im;; (* Save the actual contents of the screen. *) let save_screen file_name = let im = get_image 0 0 (size_x ()) (size_y ()) in output_image im file_name;; (* Restore the contents of the screen, reading it from a file. *) let restore_screen file_name = let im = input_image file_name in draw_image im 0 0;;Note that the size of the image depends on the size of the screen, but it could be as large as several megabytes.
As for all operating systems, you must ask for functions from the ``graphics'' library to be available, typing in your program:
#open "graphics";;
However, in the regular interactive system, the library has not been linked, and thus, any call to the library functions fails during the linking phase, when the compiler complains that no ``graphics'' module has been linked.
So, the problem is to call an interactive system with the library already linked in it. Fortunately, this has already been done when installing the graphical library. You just have to call this special interactive system, using the command:
$ camllight camlgraph
As for the interactive system case (see above), you have to link the graphical library with your program. This means to use the ``custom'' mode of the compiler, to get the C primitives of the library. Use:
camlc -custom <other options> \ unix.zo graphics.zo <other .zo and .ml files> \ -lgraph -lunix -lX11Where
<other options>
is any option of the Caml compiler,
for instance fixing the name of the stand-alone program (
-o program
<other .zo files>
means the set of compiled files
used by the program.
Note: the order of presentation of options is relevant, casual users should not modify it.
, the value is ``truncated'' ?When you manipulate Caml values on disk, the files you write and read
are not text files, but binary files. That means that the contents of
these files are arbitrary characters, carriage return characters should
not be converted, and there is no character to indicate the end of the file.
So, you must open these files with the special primitives
and open_out_bin
that do not
interpret the characters they manipulate (in particular the
character under DOS, that means end of text file).
Otherwise the first occurrence of a ^Z
indicates to the system the end of file is reached, before the real
end of the file. Hence the ``truncated object'' error message produced
by input_value
. See How to save and
restore the graphical screen ? for a complete example.
Caml modules allow separate compilation. If available on your
system, you should use the make
utility to recompile the
modules of your programs. You may use our generic makefile
for Caml Light or for Objective Caml.
We also describe here a simple makefile for a small Caml Light program:
only two modules module1
and module2
, and we
generate a command named prog
CAMLC=camlc -W -g -I . OBJS= module1.zo module2.zo EXEC= prog all: $(OBJS) $(CAMLC) -o $(EXEC) $(OBJS) clean: rm -f *.z[io] *.zix *~ #*# depend: mv Makefile Makefile.bak (sed -n -e '1,/^### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/p' Makefile.bak; \ camldep *.mli *.ml) > Makefile rm Makefile.bak .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .zo .zi .mli.zi: $(CAMLC) -c $< .ml.zo: $(CAMLC) -c $< ### EVERYTHING THAT GOES BEYOND THIS COMMENT IS GENERATED ### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE
Dependencies between modules are automatically recomputed by launching
make depend
. The camldep
command can be the following
perl script:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # To scan a Caml Light source file, find all references to external modules # (#open "foo";; or foo__bar), and output the dependencies on standard output. # # Usage: camldep [-I path] <file> ... while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = shift(@ARGV); if (/^-I(.*)$/) { $dir = $1 ? $1 : shift(@ARGV); $dir =~ s|/$||; unshift(@path, $dir); } elsif (/(.*)\.mli$/ || /(.*)\.zi$/) { do scan_source ($_, "$1.zi"); } elsif (/(.*)\.ml$/ || /(.*)\.zo$/) { do scan_source ($_, "$1.zo"); } else { die "Don't know what to do with $_"; } } sub scan_source { local ($source_name, $target_name) = @_; $modname = $target_name; $modname =~ s|^.*/||; $modname =~ s|\.z[io]$||; undef(%imports); open(SRC, $source_name) || return; while(<SRC>) { if (m/#\s*open\s*"([^"]*)"/) { $imports{$1} = 1; } while (m/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)__/g) { $imports{$1} = 1; } } close(SRC); undef(@deps); if ($target_name =~ m/\.zo$/ && -r ($source_name . "i")) { push(@deps, "$1.zi"); } foreach $modl (keys(%imports)) { next if ($modl eq $modname); if ($dep = do find_path ("$modl.mli")) { $dep =~ s/\.mli$/.zi/; push(@deps, $dep); } elsif ($dep = do find_path ("$")) { $dep =~ s/\.ml$/.zo/; push(@deps, $dep); } } if ($#deps >= 0) { print "$target_name: "; $col = length($target_name) + 2; foreach $dep (@deps) { $col += length($dep) + 1; if ($col >= 77) { print "\\\n "; $col = length($dep) + 5; } print $dep, " "; } print "\n"; } } sub find_path { local ($filename) = @_; if (-r $filename) { return $filename; } foreach $dir (@path) { if (-r "$dir/$filename") { return "$dir/$filename"; } } return 0; }
An interface between Caml and LaTeX is distributed in the
directory, as a command
. This is a filter that extracts Caml phrases
embedded in its LaTeX file argument, evaluates them, and insert the
outcome of the evaluation into its LaTeX output file.
(The filter is written in Perl, so you'll need Perl version 4 installed
on your machine.)
Yes. See the reference manual corresponding section.
Yes. See the reference manual corresponding section.
It is difficult to figure out a reliable idea of the cost of basic operations, since this cost not only depends on the machine, but also on the Caml compiler: an optimizing native compiler does not behave the same as a byte-code compiler for a virtual machine. Not only absolute costs of basic operations are different but the relative costs of operations may vary of several orders of magnitude. Even with the same Caml system and the same compiler, the relative costs greatly vary with the underlying hardware.
The situation is even worth with modern architectures since processors are now capable to run several operations at the same time (in parallel), so that some instructions turn out to be ``free'', in the sense that their cost is zero, when they are executed during the execution of another instruction, either because the processor had the opportunity to launch several operations in parallel, or because the processor is waiting for the completion of a complex operation that is independent of the result of the ``free'' instruction. So, the time necessary to execute a given instruction varies with the moment when the instruction is ready to be executed. In this case, it is clear that it is almost hopeless to assign a fixed cost value to an assembly instructions, let alone to basic operations of a high level language such as Caml.
However, some basic principles are invariant by those hardware variations and time hazards in the scheduling of the instructions flow of a program. For instance, the integer addition is almost consistently the fastest operation available on the computer (modern computers may execute several times a 1 000 000 of additions by second).
Thus, I give a rough indication of the cost of basic operations in terms of conventional units, those units being the cost of elementary operations (for instance integer addition). For some basic operations the execution time depends on the size of arguments, so the corresponding complexity is mentioned. In any cases the proposed costs are just plausible order of magnitude, given as mere approximations: don't use those figures to compute the expected run times of your programs!
Using a byte-code compiler : all operations have almost the same constant cost, the one of an integer addition, since there is a constant time passed to decode the bytes of the program.
Complexity indications given for operations that have a non constant complexity are independent of the compiler.
Using an optimizing compiler : the operation costs are more closely related to the hardware capabilities. That's the hypothesis leading to relative execution times given below.
In short :
Note that a function call is
really fast in Caml: it often costs two times less than an integer
In contrast, string and vector concatenation
) and concat_vect
) or list concatenation (@
) have
not a constant cost, since it is proportional to the length of their result.
Equality tests on integers and floating point numbers have a
constant and very low cost, and the same holds for the physical equality
. In contrast, the generic polymorphic equality gets an
a priori unbound cost, for instance linear in terms of the
length of the arguments when comparing strings.
We use the following conventional and formal units:
The relative value of those units depends on the hardware and on the Caml compiler.
With a byte-code compiler : you can consider that all units are equivalent.
With a native code compiler : the relative costs of the units, carefully measured on several machines accessible from my workstation are approximately as follows:
, lsr
) : 1 add.
: constant cost approximately
1 cell.
: the cost is proportional
to the length of the resulting string (cost with no initialization
+ 1 write per character).
. In the best case, the cost is almost null
(static allocation during compilation).
the complexity is approximately
``Creation of a string of length (l1 +. l2)
+ (1 read + 1 write) *. (l1 +. l2)
complexity is approximately (2 writes + 1 read) *. (l1
+. l2)
: 1 add. For floating point numbers monomorphic test
: 3 add. For strings tests are proportional
to the length. For other values test with generic equality depends on
the values to test: it needs a complete visit of the structure (and
the test can loop in some cases). For instance, the equality test for
two lists needs the complete visit of all the elements in the worst
case (lists that are equal).
A recursive function may easily encode a loop. For instance the loop
for i = beginning to the_end do body done
is equivalent to
let rec for_loop i = if i <= the_end then begin body; for_loop (i + 1) end in for_loop beginningThe choice between those two forms is a matter of style: the second form can be useful when the loop has to return a result. Otherwise the
loop is clearer: it is more concise and bounds of the
loop are clearly apparent.
let rec for_loop i = if i <= the_end then if v.(i) = 0 then i else for_loop (i + 1) else -1 in for_loop beginningmay be considered clearer than an implementation with a loop that raises an exception:
exception Exit of int;; try for i = beginning to the_end do if v.(i) = 0 then Exit i done; -1 with Exit i -> i
On the other hand, the compilers may have difficulties to recognize a loop in the encoding via a recursive function. As a consequence, this version may be slightly less efficient. Choose the simpler way to write your programs!
There is no syntactic way to define functions with multiple arguments in Caml. Thus, the user has to encode them either via currying or via tupled arguments:
let f (x, y) = x + y;;or
let f x y = x + y;;
From the expressiveness point of view, the curried encoding leads to functions that can be partially evaluated, whereas tuples must be provided as a single argument.
For efficiency, Caml compilers (generally) favor currying over tupling.
Let me explain why the naive compilation of these two encodings is not
efficient. Suppose that f
is defined as
let f x y = body
, or equivalently as
let f = function x -> function y -> body.
As is explicit on this expanded form, f
can be partially
applied: if e1
evaluates to v1
, then the expression
f e1
evaluates to a closure with code part
(function y -> body)
and environment part (x,
. Thus the naive compilation of f e1 e2
equivalently (f e1) e2
) starts by calling f
with argument v1
, then f
builds and returns
the intermediate closure, and this closure is then applied to (the
value of) e2
. This is inefficient, since we perform 2
function calls and waste memory to build this intermediate closure
which is immediately applied and becomes garbage.
Now suppose f is defined as let f (x, y) = body
the naive compilation of f (e1, e2)
Here we perform only one function call, but once again we build an intermediate data structure to call the function, and this data structure becomes garbage as soon as entering the function.
A clever way of compiling one of this two forms is necessary, since functions with multiple arguments are heavily used. This is a bit difficult but the idea is mainly the following:
Since curried functions are a bit more powerful, since they can be partially applied, we may suppose that users will adopt this way of encoding multiple arguments. Thus, generally speaking, Caml compilers optimize the curried form of encoding. These optimizations are not always as efficient as the scheme described above, but compilation of currification is definitely better than tupling for Caml Light, Objective Caml, Bigloo and Camlot. Caml compilers generally do not optimize tupling.
Which of the following is more efficient ?
let map f = let rec mapf l = match l with | [] -> [] | x :: t -> let y = f x in y :: mapf t in mapf;;or
let rec map f l = match l with | [] -> [] | x :: t -> let y = f x in y :: map f t;;The answer is: this is compiler dependent!
The first definition is a strange view of map
as a
(non-recursive) function that computes a looping function. The second
definition is more natural and properly exposes that map
has two
arguments. If there are no efficiency reasons to prefer the first
form, I definitely prefer the second ``natural'' definition.
To discuss efficiency, you must be aware of the encoding and compilation of n-ary functions in Caml (see details).
The naive form:
let rec map f l = match l with | [] -> [] | x :: t -> let y = f x in y :: (map f t);;
exposes that map has two arguments. Thus a compiler that optimizes complete application of curried functions will efficiently compile the recursive call. On the other hand, a naive compiler will build the partial intermediate closure for each recursive call.
On the other hand, with the first encoding:
let map f = let rec mapf l = match l with | [] -> [] | x :: t -> let y = f x in y :: (mapf t) in mapf;;
the optimizing compiler may fail to recognize that map may be
optimized as a curried functions with two arguments: it will instead
compute a closure for mapf
, and generally speaking a
closure is less efficiently applied.
An interesting case: the Bigloo compiler performs a so-called ``eta'' optimization that automatically rewrites this code to (an equivalent of) the first natural one!
The naive compiler will compile naively as usual, but now the code
effectively require to compute the intermediate closure only once,
when partially applying map to f. Hence recursive calls to
will save this extra closure construction, and the
second form will be a bit more efficient.
In conclusion: prefer the natural encoding, it is clearer and compilers are designed to optimize natural code.
Consider the code
let gamma x = let coeffs = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in ...
The list coeffs
is a constant for any call to
. The compiler can thus allocate the list once and
for all (``statically'').
However, the intuitive semantics of Caml leads to allocate a new list
at each call to gamma
the definition of coeffs
is simply re-executed each time the
evaluation enters the body of gamma
. To ensure
that the definition of coeffs
is executed only once,
during the definition of gamma
, you should have written:
let gamma = let coeffs = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in (function x -> ...
However, if the constant data written in the program is not mutable, there is no harm to share it, and to define it statically. Most Caml compilers will optimize this case. Anyway, the simplest way to ensure the sharing is to define the constant outside the function that uses it:
let coeffs = [| 0; 1; 2 |];; let gamma x = ...
This is a variant of the preceding problem, now in the case of mutable data structures.
let gamma x = let coeffs = [| 0; 1; 2 |] in ...
In this case, the vector coeffs
cannot be statically
allocated in general, since it cannot safely be shared (its different
instances may be returned as result or used to build other data in the
body of gamma
However, if coeffs
is not used as a mutable data
structure but instead as a list with an optimized access to the
elements (in particular this means that the vector is never modified
nor returned as a result), then it is possible to share it.
As you may guess this analysis is complex, and is probably not
included in your compiler.
So, you have to let it explicit, by defining the constant outside of
the function that uses it:
let coeffs = [| 0; 1; 2 |];; let gamma x = ...
> 1. If I define Array.iter + a function that uses it, > will ocamlopt combine these two functions two one? > (I looked in the assembler code, but it seemed as > ocamlopt didn't combine them) You're right, the function inlining pass in ocamlopt is rather conservative and doesn't inline and beta-reduce function arguments to higher-order functions. Inlining is a delicate trade-off between too little and too much (e.g. code size and compile time explosion), and OCaml errs on the conservative side. > 2. Do we need special Pentium-4 adaptions to utilize > its very good float performance? I'm not familiar with the P4 micro-architecture, so I don't know. ocamlopt uses the standard IA32 stack-based model for floating-point code. Apparently, the P4 can now do 64-bit float arithmetic between true registers (the SSE2 model), and ocamlopt could generate better (and simpler!) floating-point code for this model. Don't know how much of a performance difference that would make, though. At any rate, the ocamlopt port for AMD's x86-64 architecture will use the SSE2 model. > 3. Would ocamlopt benefit from a peephole optimizer of > the assembler code? Or is the assembler code already > optimal? No assembly code is ever optimal, especially if machine-generated :-) A peephole optimizer could remove some cosmetic inefficiencies, but I doubt this would make a significant speed difference. Today's processors have enough instruction-level parallelism and dynamic instruction scheduling that a few redundant integer operations here and there don't really hurt. Other higher-level optimizations not currently performed could improve performance more, e.g. common subexpression elimination on memory loads. > 4. What is unboxed and what isn't? > I have noticed that there is a > continuos work to unbox more. Very briefly: Always unboxed: int, char, bool, constant constructors of datatypes. Locally unboxed (in expressions and float, int32, nativeint (and int64 on 64-bit processors) Unboxed inside arrays: float Unboxed inside big arrays: all numerical types Always boxed: everything else (records, non-constant datatype constructors, tuples, arrays, etc) > 5. How do you make sense of gprof-output? Any suggestions? The "info" docs for gprof contain a tutorial. The function names that appear are of the form Modulename_functionname_NNN where NNN is a unique integer. Be careful with the call graph reported by gprof: it is totally inaccurate for higher-order functions.
You can interface your Caml program with any C program of your own. In this C program, you can insert assembly code if your C compiler does support those pragmas.
On the other hand, there is no direct mean to insert assembly code within Caml source code; the language is far too high level to allow easy support of this feature at the programmer level (memory manager's invariants are numerous and complex and they must be imperatively enforced by any piece of code inserted into Caml code); last but not least, we want to keep the perfect portability of the language and it seems clear that assembly code insertions would jeopardize portability.
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