BigNums in Caml Light 0.5
Tue, 3 Nov 92 10:44:11 EST

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 10:44:11 EST
Subject: BigNums in Caml Light 0.5
To: caml-list@margaux

Dear Caml Light users,

I would like to see some form of "arbitrary precision" math or
"big nums" added to Caml Light. Below is a very preliminary
attempt at such an implementation written in Caml Light. At this
point, I am not so much concerned with speed as I am with
obtaining the capabilities.

I am using vectors and a "base 10000" implementation to represent
floating point numbers. So far I have written routines for +, -
and *. (They were easy.) I would like to expand it to include
division, mod/remainder, gcd, sqrt, exp, log, trig functions,

If anyone would like to help me in this effort, I'd appreciate
it. If anyone can supply/recommend algorithms, that would be
appreciated, too. Alternate implementations and improvements
will be accepted, as well. In short, I am completely open to
suggestion. Please help.

I will probably need to stick with a Caml Light implementation
because the 'C' interface is only available on Unix, and I am
working on an Amiga. Besides, this would make the code useable
by all.

Jerry D. Hedden

====================== Cut Here ===============================

(* Bignums module *)
(* Functions implemented so far:

renormalize : bignum -> bignum = <fun>
Internal -- used to "fixup" the result of a calculation

add_big : bignum -> bignum -> bignum = <fun>
sub_big : bignum -> bignum -> bignum = <fun>
mult_big : bignum -> bignum -> bignum = <fun>
Basic operations

string_of_bignum : bignum -> string = <fun>
bignum_of_string : string -> bignum = <fun>
Conversion functions

big_fib : int -> bignum = <fun>
big_fact : int -> bignum = <fun>
Example functions that use bignums

type bignum = {Neg:bool; Point:int; Value:int vect};;

let rec renormalize {Neg=neg;Point=pt;Value=v} =
let vl = vect_length v in
for i = (pred vl) downto 1 do
let x = v.(i) in
if x >= 10000
then (v.(i) <- x mod 10000;
v.(pred i) <- v.(pred i) + x/10000)
if x < 0
then (v.(i) <- 10000 + (x mod 10000);
v.(pred i) <- v.(pred i) - (succ (x/10000)))
if v.(0) < 0
then renormalize {Neg=not neg; Point=pt;
Value=(map_vect (function a -> -a) v)}
else let first =
let ff =
let rec find_first n =
if n < vl
then if (eq_int v.(n) 0)
then find_first (succ n)
else n
else n
in find_first 0
in min ff pt
and last =
let ll =
let rec find_last n =
if n >= 0
then if (eq_int v.(n) 0)
then find_last (pred n)
else n
else n
in find_last (pred vl)
in max ll pt
in if first >= vl
then {Neg=false;Point=0;Value=[|0|]}
else if (eq_int first 0) & (eq_int last (pred vl))
then {Neg=neg;Point=pt;Value=v}
else let vvl = succ (last-first) in
let vv = make_vect vvl 0 in
blit_vect v first vv 0 vvl;

let add_big {Neg=nx;Point=px;Value=vx} {Neg=ny;Point=py;Value=vy} =
let xl = vect_length vx
and yl = vect_length vy
and dpt = succ (max px py) in
let len = dpt + (max (xl-px) (yl-py)) in
let xx = make_vect len 0
and yy = make_vect len 0
in begin
blit_vect (if nx then (map_vect (function a -> -a) vx)
else vx)
0 xx (dpt-px) xl;
blit_vect (if ny then (map_vect (function a -> -a) vy)
else vy)
0 yy (dpt-py) yl;
renormalize {Neg=false; Point=dpt;
Value=vect_of_list (map2 (prefix +) (list_of_vect xx)
(list_of_vect yy))}

let sub_big {Neg=nx;Point=px;Value=vx} {Neg=ny;Point=py;Value=vy} =
let xl = vect_length vx
and yl = vect_length vy
and dpt = succ (max px py) in
let len = dpt + (max (xl-px) (yl-py)) in
let xx = make_vect len 0
and yy = make_vect len 0
in begin
blit_vect (if nx then (map_vect (function a -> -a) vx)
else vx)
0 xx (dpt-px) xl;
blit_vect (if ny then (map_vect (function a -> -a) vy)
else vy)
0 yy (dpt-py) yl;
renormalize {Neg=false; Point=dpt;
Value=vect_of_list (map2 (prefix -) (list_of_vect xx)
(list_of_vect yy))}

let mult_big {Neg=nx;Point=px;Value=vx} {Neg=ny;Point=py;Value=vy} =
let xl = vect_length vx
and yl = vect_length vy
let z = make_vect (xl+yl) 0
in begin
for j = (yl-1) downto 0 do
for i = (xl-1) downto 0 do
z.(i+j+1) <- z.(i+j+1) + (vx.(i) * vy.(j))
for i = (xl+j) downto (j+1) do
let q = z.(i) in
if q >= 10000
then (z.(i) <- q mod 10000;
z.(pred i) <- z.(pred i) + q/10000)
renormalize {Neg=not(nx=ny);Point=(px+py+1);Value=z}

let string_of_bignum {Neg=neg;Point=pt;Value=v} =
let vl = vect_length v
and n4 n =
let s = string_of_int n in
(make_string (4-(string_length s)) `0`) ^ s
let rec no_trail s =
let ln = string_length s in
if (eq_int ln 0) then ""
else if (nth_char s (pred ln)) = `0`
then no_trail (sub_string s 0 (pred ln))
else s
and nstr a b =
if a<=b then (n4 v.(a)) ^ (nstr (succ a) b)
else ""
let sign = if neg then "-" else ""
and point = if (succ pt) < vl then "." else ""
and last = if (succ pt) < vl
then no_trail (n4 v.(pred vl))
else ""
in sign ^ (string_of_int v.(0)) ^ (nstr 1 pt) ^
point ^ (nstr (succ pt) (vl-2)) ^ last

let bignum_of_string s =
let last = pred (string_length s)
and neg,first =
match nth_char s 0 with
`-` -> true,1
| `+` -> false,1
| _ -> false,0
let dp = find_dp 0
where rec find_dp n =
if n > last
then n
else if (nth_char s n) = `.`
then n
else find_dp (succ n)
let asize = let size = (3+dp-first)/4 in
if (eq_int size 0) then 1 else size
and bsize = (3+last-dp)/4
let x = make_vect (asize+bsize) 0 in
let rec set_num n y =
if (n-4) <= first
then x.(y) <- int_of_string (sub_string s first (n-first))
else (x.(y) <- int_of_string (sub_string s (n-4) 4);
set_num (n-4) (pred y))
and set_dec n y =
if (n+3) >= last
then x.(y) <- int_of_string (sub_string (s^"000") n 4)
else (x.(y) <- int_of_string (sub_string s n 4);
set_dec (n+4) (succ y))
(if dp > first then set_num dp (pred asize));
(if dp < last then set_dec (succ dp) asize);
{Neg=neg;Point=(pred asize);Value=x}

let big_fib = fib_rec (bignum_of_string "0") (bignum_of_string "1")
where rec fib_rec a b n = if n<=0 then a else fib_rec b (add_big a b) (pred n)

let big_fact = fact_rec (bignum_of_string "1")
where rec fact_rec ans n =
if n<=0
then ans
else fact_rec (mult_big ans (bignum_of_string (string_of_int n))) (pred n)