Archives of the Caml Mailing list by subject
Starting: Wed Sep 30 1992 - 00:00:-56375 MET
Ending: Fri Dec 20 1996 - 00:00:-44916 MET
Messages: 740
- "it"
- 1st CFV:
- [ANN] camlyacc and camllex for Macintosh without MPW-Shell
- [ CAML (X90)]
- [O'Caml] Proposal for a modified "send" syntax
- [Q] How to configure cl386 for Paradise VGA?
- [Q]: Mutable variant types in Caml Light 0.7
- [ SUIT]
- A "generic" lexer in Caml Light
- A (slightly) better camllex
- A (tiny) time-profiler for Caml-Light
- a csl program
- a few questions for the CAML community
- A new caml-tex
- a perplexing difference
- A small class library
- about graphics
- affichage de liste
- Algorithme pour la logique en Caml-Light.
- Alpha release of Caml Light for Windows
- an ocaml performance test
- announce for Lettre de Caml 3
- Announce: The V6 Web Engine
- another question on lexer function
- Another time profiler for Caml Light
- another time-based profiler
- Anyone recompiled CAML-LITE for DOS?
- archive
- As-binding #-types
- As-binding #-types/Evaluation order & State
- automates
- Automatic coercition to a more general type ?
- Available now: A library for Abstract Syntax with Binder.
- avenir de caml-light
- Batch compilation under MS Windows
- Behavior of csldep
- beta release of Caml Light 0.7 for the PC
- bibliotheques??
- bigloo
- Bigloo compilation
- bignums
- Bignums by default?
- BigNums in Caml Light 0.5
- bitwise not
- boolean operators
- bug ?
- Bug in equality testing?
- Bug in Linker?
- Bug report: Caml-Light 0.5
- Bugs in CAML for Windows
- building a toplevel
- building stubs and modules from ANSI C include files
- Calling ioctl_ptr
- caml & Xwindow
- caml (special) light and numerics
- caml 0.6 for Atari
- CaML and Databases (fwd)
- caml and OS/2
- Caml and PCs
- Caml Dim
- Caml FAQ
- Caml for Windows Beta 1.0 available
- CAML install
- Caml Light 0.71
- Caml Light 0.71 for Macintosh
- Caml Light 0.72
- Caml Light 7.1 for Mac
- Caml Light for Atari ST
- Caml Light for Windows
- Caml Light performance tests?
- CAML Light system functions etc.
- Caml Light version 0.61 pour le Macintosh
- Caml Light, PC, floating-point emulation
- Caml Light, release 0.7 beta 4
- Caml Light, release 0.7 beta 5
- caml omega converter
- CAML on multiple architectures
- Caml on TAP
- Caml Parsing
- Caml semantics
- Caml Special Light
- Caml Special Light 1.07
- Caml Special Light 1.10
- Caml Special Light 1.11
- Caml Special Light 1.12
- Caml Special Light 1.13
- Caml Special Light 1.14
- Caml Special Light 1.15
- caml tags
- Caml Tk interface (release alpha3)
- Caml Tk interface for Tk 4.0 (release beta1)
- CaML tk lib. under Windows FAQ?
- caml under FreeBSD.
- Caml users mailing list
- Caml vs. Caml Light
- Caml-light et Ultrix
- Caml-Light for the Mac
- caml-light pour Linux
- Caml-Light with TK on the Macintosh
- CAML-Light: compiling toplevel__include
- caml.el
- caml/mac + alpha
- caml2csl V1.0
- Caml_Light sur PC
- camllight escape
- camllight graphics and video card S3 trio 64V+, etc.
- CamlLight on mac
- camlLight sur PC (fwd)
- Camllorder pour Objective caml ?
- Camlot 0.6
- Camlot 0.64
- Camlot 5.1
- camlot-patches
- camlot65
- CamlTk releases
- camlwin
- CFP-ML'94
- Chamau
- cl7
- Class variables in O'Caml
- Class variables in O'Caml???
- Class variables in O'Caml??? + questions
- Closed Objects
- Command line too long
- compilateur natif Caml Special Light pour 680x0 ?
- Compiling caml-light for the Mac
- compr'hension des m'canismes de base.
- Consing
- Constructeurs en O'Caml
- Constructive criticism
- constructors for objects in ocaml
- Context-free in Caml
- contribs
- contributions
- Convention on exceptions for caml-light
- Cours CAML-Ada
- cours d'algorithmique
- cross-compilation
- CSL modules
- CSL questions
- CSL-1.12 and CamlTK4, text tag problem
- csl-> pb avec les fonctions dans le module
- curried fns
- database
- Dead code removal / cross references
- debugging/tracing: any?
- Defining own types printers.
- definition recursive de valeur
- docs in ascii?
- Documentation for the type-checker for Caml Light
- down casting ???
- Dynamic linking in CSL?
- editeur pour Caml-light sur PC
- Editeurs pour Caml-Light et PC
- elementary stream question
- empty list
- Encore du pattern matching et des streams
- Enrichir 'camltop' avec des primitives 'crites en C.
- Enrichir 'camltop' avec des primitives C
- entiers et reels
- equality
- equality between functions
- Error messages in Caml &co
- evaluation paresseuse en Caml-Light
- Existential types variables (unix patch)
- fep
- fep...
- fichiers
- filtrage curryfie
- Filtrage curryfie et ambiguite syntaxique
- final release of Caml Light 0.7
- Final_tag and garbage collection
- first beta release of Caml Light 0.7
- flux et filtrage de flux
- Fonction polymorphe
- For Windows users : Help file and front-end for Caml-Light
- Foreign language in error messages
- Formal O'Caml
- Functorized stdlib ???
- functors and type constraints
- GnuEmacs tags for Caml Light
- Graphics libraries for Objective Caml?
- Help for Caml light with Windows NT
- Horus/ML, a distributed communication toolkit for Objective Caml
- Humpf ... chaines des caracteres sont bien efficace!
- hypertext ML code
- Infinite Streams in Caml Light 0.5
- Info request
- Information
- Installation CAML (strong) sous VMS
- Installing parsers and printers
- interface entre caml et C
- interface to C++
- internals of the compiler
- IO in CSL threads
- IO on serial port with Caml Light
- Irrelevant variables in patterns
- Is there a caml.el file ?
- Is this supposed to happen?
- JFLA'95
- Label Names Space - philosophy or implementation?
- Label Special Light and LablTk
- Language improvements (?)
- Lazy evaluation and caml-light
- Lazy evaluation in Caml Light
- ledit (fep like)
- Lettre de Caml #4
- Lettre de Caml No 5
- lexer function .
- lexer parser fortran77
- lexing__get_next_char ?
- librairie
- line editor for camllight
- Looking for an elegant coding idiom.
- Macintosh: caml mode for Alpha
- mail-list archive ?
- Manual
- match values
- match values (fwd)
- Matrices in CAML
- may be an other bug
- meaning of underscores
- Merging Modules
- Minor bug in camlyacc found
- mkdepend for caml programs
- MLgraph
- MMM, a Web browser in Caml Light
- MMM, a Web browser with applets in Caml (release 0.30beta)
- MMM, a Web browser with applets in Caml Special Light
- mode emacs
- mode ocaml/xemacs
- module aggregation
- Module system and separate compilation
- modules local to functions.
- modules local to functions. (again)
- modules local to functions.)
- Moving from caml Light to CSL
- native code compiler and exceptions
- Need help: O'Caml C Interface
- new Caml mode for Emacs available
- New Introductory book (in German) using Caml light
- new library modules
- new library modules (sets and maps)
- New release of Bigloo
- New release of Caml Light for Windows
- new release of camlwin
- Newton's Algorithm
- Non-blocking input in caml-light
- Not Not ?
- Nouveau livre avec Caml
- Nouveaux Livres
- O'Caml & modules
- O'Caml / C++ interfacing
- O'Caml for DOS
- O'Caml into Java
- O'CamlBrowser
- O'Labl and LablTk/O'Labl released
- O'Labl/LablTk/LablBrowser/OCamlBrowser version 1.02
- Objective Caml 1.00
- Objective Caml 1.01
- Objective Caml 1.02 released
- Objective Caml 1.03
- Objective Label 1.01
- Ocaml mode?
- ocaml, inheritance vs. subtyping?
- Ocaml-mode
- Ocaml-mode was updated
- ocaml-tex ?
- ocamlc syntax and -i option
- ocamldep
- Ocamlopt might output files in another directory!
- omega 2 camllight
- One more question about the module system
- Oo.copy
- Optimizing compiler for Caml Light
- option -g ??
- output_value
- Parallel CAML
- Parseurs de precedence
- partial evaluation anyone?
- Patch Caml Light 0.6 -> 0.61
- Patch de caml-light sur MAC
- Patch for Caml Light on HP-UX 9.01
- Patch for the Caml-Light runtime.
- patch recherche d'acquereur
- Patch1 for Caml Light version of CamlTk4
- Pattern Matching
- PB with caml-light on a PC
- Perplexing type error.
- Petite programme utilisant les listes paresseux
- Piece composition of signatures (& problems derived from them too!)
- Polymorphic comparison
- polymorphic references [was: unsound typechecker]
- Port of Caml Light to the Dec Alpha
- Porting caml (and coq) to HP/UX.
- Possible bug report in CAML Light V0.5
- Precisions about quotations
- pretty
- pretty-printing
- pretty-printing facilities
- Printf and friends
- Probleme d'interface
- Programmation systeme en Caml Light
- Q: external data in Ocaml 1.03
- Q: float arrays
- Q: float arrays]
- Q: GC and scope
- Q: How to call a CSL function from C
- Q: Module system and separate compilation
- Q: Q: Module system and separate compilatioQ:
- question of a layman
- Question point fixe
- Questions about class types
- Questions about class types)
- Quotations in Caml-Special-Light and Caml-Light
- Re-Editeurs pour PC
- RE: a few questions for the CAML community
- RE: caml/mac + alpha
- RE: match values
- Recursion, exception and continuations
- recursive definition
- Relation between functors and polymorphism
- Release 1.06 of Caml Special Light
- release of Caml Light version 0.6
- release of caml2ocaml
- Represetation of data, and structural equality
- Runtime statistics
- Separate compilation
- sets
- Shared libraries from caml
- Sharing
- simulation
- socket library for ocaml
- Some cosmetics problems with ocaml
- Some questions about the module system...
- Some questions and proposals...
- Stages de DEA
- stream
- stream feature
- Stream pattern matching
- Stream patterne matching
- streams
- streams and lazy evaluation
- Streams in Caml Light 0.5
- string vs vect + GC question
- string vs vect - some results
- Structure sharing
- Suggestion for Caml Light 0.7 for Mac
- Suggestions
- SYNGEN v0.3
- System interface
- TCL/TK interface for Caml Light
- technical report available: "kinded parametric overloading"
- test with several issues
- Textboxes in Caml/Tk
- The unsound type checker of Caml Light.
- time-based profiler for Caml Special Light
- timer
- Times in camllight
- TR now *really* available (with apologies)
- type and class definition : recursion
- type declaration in */mli & *.ml
- Uncaught exception: Out_of_memory
- uncompress CAML-Light 0.4 for Amiga-Commodore
- Une idee pour etendre le mecanisme d'exceptions.
- Upcoming O'Labl
- useless #open
- Using camlyacc
- using DLL libraries under windows
- using sets
- Utilisation de
- v1.1 of the caml package for LaTeX
- value input_image : in_channel -> image ???
- vector dot multiply
- Version 1.1 of the bindlib package: a library for abstract syntax
- Version 1.1 of the bindlib package: a library for abstract syntax with binder.
- version PC caml_light 0.5 386
- What about infix operator?
- where is 'camldebug'?
- Where is the 'str' library ?
- Why no macros in CAML Light ?
- WWW server for Caml and related
- Yet another question about the module system
- your mail
Last message date: Fri Dec 20 1996 - 00:00:-44916 MET
Archived on: Mon 02 Mar 1998 - 15:12:01 MET
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.