A (tiny) time-profiler for Caml-Light

Christophe Raffalli (raffalli@cs.chalmers.se)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:41:59 +0100 (MET)

Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:41:59 +0100 (MET)
Message-Id: <199511031541.QAA23262@lips.cs.chalmers.se>
From: Christophe Raffalli <raffalli@cs.chalmers.se>
To: caml-list@pauillac.inria.fr
Subject: A (tiny) time-profiler for Caml-Light

I wrote a simple tool to profile programs, it might be usefull to others....
try it out.

Furthermore if anyone knowns how to put is inside the compiler ....

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(* This program is a small time-profiler for Caml-Light *)

(* It requires the UNIX library *)

(* To use it, link it with the program you want to profile (don not forget
"-lunix -custom unix.zo" among the link options).

To trace a function "f" with ONE argument add the following just after the
definition of "f":

let f = profile "f" f;;

(the string is used to print the profile infomation).

If f has two arguments do the same with profile2, idem with 3 and
4. For more than 4 arguments ... modify the function profile yourself,
it is very easy (look the differences between profile and profile2.

If you want to profile two mutually recursive functions, you had better
to rename them :

let f' = .... f' ... g'
and g' = .... f' .... g'

let f = profile "f" f';;
let g = profile "f" g';;

Before the program quits, you should call "print_profile ();;". It
produces a result of the following kind:

f 5.32 7.10
g 4.00 4.00
main 0.12 9.44
total -9.44 0.00

- The first column is the name of the function.

- The third column give the time (utime + stime) spend inside the function.

- The second column give the time spend inside the function minus the
time spend in other profiled functions called by it

The last line can be ignored (there is a bug if the down-right digit is non


let tot_ptr = ref 0.0 and tot_ptr' = ref 0.0;;

let prof_table = ref ["total",tot_ptr,tot_ptr'];;

let stack = ref [tot_ptr'];;

let print_profile () =
print_newline ();
let l = sort__sort (fun (_,_,p) (_,_,p') -> !p >. !p') !prof_table in
do_list (fun (name,ptr,ptr') ->
printf__printf "%-20s %8.2f %8.2f\n" name !ptr' !ptr) l

let profile name f =
let ptr = ref 0.0 and ptr' = ref 0.0 in
prof_table := (name,ptr,ptr')::!prof_table;
(fun x ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut;unix__tms_stime = st} = unix__times () in
stack := ptr'::!stack;
let r = f x in
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
with e ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
raise e

let profile2 name f =
let ptr = ref 0.0 and ptr' = ref 0.0 in
prof_table := (name,ptr,ptr')::!prof_table;
(fun x y ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut;unix__tms_stime = st} = unix__times () in
stack := ptr'::!stack;
let r = f x y in
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
with e ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
raise e

let profile3 name f =
let ptr = ref 0.0 and ptr' = ref 0.0 in
prof_table := (name,ptr,ptr')::!prof_table;
(fun x y z ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut;unix__tms_stime = st} = unix__times () in
stack := ptr'::!stack;
let r = f x y z in
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
with e ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
raise e

let profile4 name f =
let ptr = ref 0.0 and ptr' = ref 0.0 in
prof_table := (name,ptr,ptr')::!prof_table;
(fun x y z t ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut;unix__tms_stime = st} = unix__times () in
stack := ptr'::!stack;
let r = f x y z t in
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
with e ->
let {unix__tms_utime = ut';unix__tms_stime = st'} = unix__times () in
let t = (ut' -. ut) +. (st' -. st) in
(match !stack with
_::(ptr'::_ as s) -> stack:=s; ptr' := !ptr' -. t
| _ -> failwith "bug in profile");
ptr := !ptr +. t;
ptr' := !ptr' +. t;
raise e
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Christophe Raffalli
Dept. of Computer Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology

URL: http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/www.raffalli