Q: float arrays

Jocelyn Serot (jserot@epcc.ed.ac.uk)
Tue, 29 Oct 1996 11:12:54 +0000 (GMT)

Message-Id: <20086.199610291112@tufa.epcc.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Q: float arrays
To: caml-list@margaux.inria.fr
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 11:12:54 +0000 (GMT)
From: Jocelyn Serot <jserot@epcc.ed.ac.uk>


Trying to quantify to cost of handling arrays of tuples instead of
multiple "parallel" arrays, i recently came to some results, which at
first sight, seems a little surprising.
Can someone please enlight me (or point me the bugs i made !..) ?

What i am comparing here is two functionnaly equivalent implementations
of the same operation, namely multiplying two arrays of floats.
The first one use a map2 higher-order-function (similar to List.map2 but
for arrays), the second works on an single array of pairs.

Here's the code:

*********************** farrays.ml ******************************************

open Array

let map f a = (* this is simply copied from stdlib *)
let l = length a in
if l = 0 then [||] else begin
let r = create l (f(unsafe_get a 0)) in
for i = 1 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get a i))

let map2 f a a' = (* a slight generalization *)
let l = length a in
if ( length a' != l ) then invalid_arg "map2" else
if l = 0 then [||] else begin
let r = create l (f(unsafe_get a 0)(unsafe_get a' 0)) in
for i = 1 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get a i) (unsafe_get a' i))

let main () =
let a1 = Array.create (1024*1024) 123.456
and a2 = Array.create (1024*1024) 123.456
and a3 = Array.create (1024*1024) (123.456,123.456) in
let _ = Profile.start () in
let f1 = Profile.f2 "map2" (map2 (fun p p' -> p*.p')) in
let _ = for i = 0 to 10 do let r1 = f1 a1 a2 in () done in
let f2 = Profile.f1 "map_pairs" (map (function (p,p') -> (p*.p'))) in
let _ = for i = 0 to 10 do let r2 = f2 a3 in () done in
let _ = Profile.stop () in

let _ = Printexc.catch main ()


Time profiling is done using the time-profiling module posted by
Mark Hayden (hayden@cs.cornell.edu, posted 4/96) to caml mailing list.
Both the bytecode and and the native code have been profiled.


jserot@tufa$ main
Number of samples is 11049
Each sample counts as 0.02 seconds.

% self self& self total
time seconds children calls ms/call ms/call name
51.42 98.894 98.894 11 8.990 8.990 map2
48.58 93.446 93.446 11 8.495 8.495 map_pairs


jserot@tufa$ omain
Number of samples is 1584
Each sample counts as 0.02 seconds.

% self self& self total
time seconds children calls ms/call ms/call name
62.56 16.198 16.198 11 1.473 1.473 map2
37.44 9.692 9.692 11 0.881 0.881 map_pairs

nb: tufa is a sun4-51 Sparc server. Compiler is ocaml-1.02

What i cannot understand is that map2 seems to be slower than map_pairs (in
the range 1->2 in native compiled mode). The few i know about the Caml compiler
is that it doesnt boxe floats in arrays. But i guess that an in an array of
float*float, each pair has to be boxed. So accessing arguments from the
map_pairs function should be definitly slower than from map2,
Does that mean that accessing two unboxed floats takes longer than
accessing a boxed pair of float (twice the time in native mode ?!)

There's also the possibility from significative innaccurcies in my measuring
protocol ..

COuld someone comment ?


E-mail: jserot@epcc.ed.ac.uk (->Nov 29 1996) ................................
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