Caml Light 0.72

Pierre Weis (
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 11:26:36 +0100 (MET)

From: Pierre Weis <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Caml Light 0.72
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 11:26:36 +0100 (MET)

[English version follows.]

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la disponibilite de Caml Light version 0.72.

Cette version n'apporte pas de nouveautes majeures, mais corrige un
certain nombre de bugs qui nous ont ete signales sur la version 0.71,
tout particulierement pour le portage Windows. Une liste complete des
changements est a la fin de ce message.

La version 0.72 est disponible pour Unix et pour MS Windows
(95 et NT, ainsi que 3.1 avec la bibliotheque de compatibilite Win32s).
La version Macintosh, ainsi que des binaires precompiles pour Linux RedHat,
sont en preparation.

La distribution 0.72 complete, ainsi qu'un patch par-rapport a la 0.71,
sont disponibles par FTP anonyme a l'endroit habituel:

repertoire: lang/caml-light
fichiers: cl72*

Une distribution de la version Windows sur disquettes, integrant
Win32s et un programme d'installation automatique en francais, sera
disponible aupres du centre de diffusion de l'INRIA debut Janvier.
Avant d'envoyer les disquettes a la duplications, nous aimerions que
cette version soit testee sur le plus grand nombre possible de machines.
Vous la trouverez dans le sous-repertoire cl72-disquettes de la
distribution par FTP. Merci d'avance a ceux qui voudront bien la
tester avant la fin du mois et nous faire part de tout probleme.

Veuillez envoyer vos rapports d'anomalies a

Pierre Weis
Xavier Leroy

[English version:]

It is our pleasure to announce the release of Caml Light version 0.72.

No major novelty in this release, but it fixes many bugs that were
reported for release 0.71, in particular in the Windows port. See the
end of this message for a complete list of changes.

Release 0.72 is available for Unix and MS Windows (95 and NT, and also
3.1 with the Win32s compatibility system). The Macintosh version, as
well as precompiled binaries for Linux RedHat, are in preparation.

The complete 0.72 distribution, as well as patches from 0.71, are
available by anonymous FTP from the usual place:

directory: lang/caml-light

Bug reports should be mailed to

Pierre Weis
Xavier Leroy

Caml Light 0.72:

* Parsing: fixed precedence of alphanumeric user-defined infixes,
as well as lor, land, lxor; fixed location bug in error reporting
involving the empty list [].

* Typing: better handling of constant or non-contractive type abbreviations
such as type 'a t == int or type 'a t == 'a.

* Standard library:
- The type 'a option = None | Some of 'a is now a built-in type;
- Module "format": added ability to run several formatters with
different output channels in parallel;
- Module "genlex": better handling of comments and character literals;
- Module "hashtbl": fixed memory leak caused by hashtbl__remove;
- Module "int": added the constants max_int and min_int
- Module "printf": added the sprintf function to output to a string
- Module "stream": fixed unsharing bug in streams built by stream_from
- Module "string": added the "concat" function to catenate a list of strings.

* Compilation: fixed handling of top-level exceptions in compilation
units (e.g. let x = raise Foo;;).

* Run-time system: allocation bug for the Sys_error exception fixed;
fixed heap assignement bug in the parsing engine.

* MS Windows port: numerous fixes in the interactive toplevel application;
fully automatic installation procedure.

* Emacs editing mode for Caml replaced by Ian Zimmerman's caml-mode.
It's a complete reimplementation that offers fully automatic
indenting and much more.

* caml-tex formatter: also available for LaTeX 2e
(contributed by Jens Kloecker).

* X11 graphics primitives: bug fixes in event handling and
interaction between close_graph and image reclaimation.

* MS Windows graphics primitives: blit_image, draw_image, get_image
now working properly; drawing area no longer limited to 600x400.

* libnum: bug in suqare root fixed.

* libstr: fixed bug in string_before when length = 0.

* libunix: pipe bugs in open_process_in fixed; termios interface more
POSIX compliant.

Pierre Weis

INRIA, Projet Cristal,,