
ESPERET PHILIPPE (100060.2106@compuserve.com)
25 May 96 16:25:56 EDT

Date: 25 May 96 16:25:56 EDT
From: ESPERET PHILIPPE <100060.2106@compuserve.com>
To: liste Caml <caml-list-request@pauillac.inria.fr>
Subject: Oo.copy

% ocaml1.tex 25-5-1996 (23h:16)

Philippe Esperet (France)
Fax : (33-1) 46 56 83 68
email 100060.2106@compuserve.com

I cannot understand how to access a fresh copy of an object with
O'Caml (Oo seems normally to copy only pointers). Thank you if someone
can explain me how to get such a copy (please see below for an example).

One related problem is : the documentation for O'Caml exists but is not
so thick ; it could be useful to have a list where true beginners in
OCaml might ask their questions and find examples.

#use "C:/OCAML/esperet/email3.ml";;

class virtual 'a matrix(sz,init:int*'a) as self=
val size=sz
val m=Array.create_matrix sz sz init
val zero=init
virtual printa:'a -> unit
(*method copy()=new matrix(size,zero)
forbidden: One cannot create instances of the virtual class matrix*)
method m=m
method set(i,j,nval:int*int*'a)= m.(i).(j) <- nval
method build(f:int->int->'a)=for i=0 to size-1 do
for j=0 to size-1 do
m.(i).(j)<- f i j done done;self
method print()=for i=0 to size-1 do
for j=0 to size-1 do
self#printa m.(i).(j);
print_char ';' done;
print_newline() done

class int_matrix (sz:int)=
inherit (int) matrix (sz,0)
method printa=print_int

let m=new int_matrix 3;;
(m#build (fun i j->i+j))#print();;
let n=Oo.copy m;;
(*let nn=m#copy();;*)