Re: down casting ???

Jerome Vouillon (
Thu, 20 Jun 1996 21:11:49 +0200 (MET DST)

Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 21:11:49 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Jerome Vouillon <>
Subject: Re: down casting ???
To: FAVRE Jean-Marie <>
In-Reply-To: <9606190903.ZM4853@tassili>
Message-Id: <Pine.3.89.9606202024.A9351-0100000@vedette>

> the :> operator make possible to coerce an expression from a type t1 to a
> super type t (this coercion is safe), but how to go from t to t1 ???
> (ok, a dynamic check is need, this operation can raise an exception)
> When one use collections of object, this kind of feature is useful. isn't it ?

There are some programming tricks that lessen the need for such a feature.
Here are two examples.


class virtual print_interf () =
virtual print : unit
(* Possibly some more methods... *)
class opt_print () =
method print_interf = (None : print_interf option)
class virtual can_print () as self =
inherit opt_print () inherit print_interf ()
method print_interf = Some (self :> print_interf)

class a () =
inherit opt_print ()
class b () =
inherit can_print ()
method print = print_string "xxx"
let x1 = new a ();;
let x2 = new b ();;
(function x -> match x#print_interf with None -> () | Some y -> y#print)
[x1; (x2 :> a)];;


class virtual int_interf () = virtual x : int end;;
class virtual string_interf () = virtual x : string end;;
class virtual visitor () =
virtual int : int_interf -> unit
virtual string : string_interf -> unit
class virtual visited () =
virtual accept : visitor -> unit
class virtual int_wrapper () as self =
inherit visited ()
inherit int_interf ()
method accept visitor = visitor#int (self :> int_interf)
class virtual string_wrapper () as self =
inherit visited ()
inherit string_interf ()
method accept visitor = visitor#string (self :> string_interf)

class printer () =
inherit visitor ()
method int obj = print_int obj#x
method string obj = print_string obj#x
class a x0 =
inherit int_wrapper ()
val x = x0
method x = x
class b x0 =
inherit string_wrapper ()
val x = x0
method x = x
let p = new printer ();;
let x1 = new a 7;;
let x2 = new b "xxx";;
List.iter (function x -> x#accept p) [(x1 :> visited); (x2 :> visited)];;