Re: ocamldep

Doug Currie, Flavors Technology, Inc. (
Thu, 18 Jul 1996 17:21:50 -0400

Message-Id: <v01540b0eae145593e08b@[]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 17:21:50 -0400
To: Xavier Leroy <>,
From: (Doug Currie, Flavors Technology, Inc.)
Subject: Re: ocamldep

At 3:33 PM 7/18/96, Xavier Leroy wrote:
>> Hello everybody. I have been having a little trouble with the Dependency
>> Generator ocamldep that comes in the Windows 95 version 1.01 of O'Caml.
>> The reference manual says that the typical use of ocamldep should be
>> something like this:
>> ocamldep *.mli *.ml > .depend
>> The problem is that ocamldep doesn't seem to recognize the *.mli and
>> *.ml arguments
>Well, the Objective Caml sources come from a Unix background, where
>wildcards (*.ml) are expanded by the command shell and the commands
>receive an already-expanded argument list. One day I may add
>command-line expansion in the Objective Caml start-up code, but don't
>hold your breath.

I did something for the Mac version of Moscow ML to work around the lack of
a UNIX make system. Since the Mac has no UNIX make command, it was
difficult to build the system without it. The code is written in Standard
ML and is available from the Moscow ML site
<> in the Mac source
distribution, file Smltope.sml. It's about seven pages of code.

Rather than specify the files to compile or link, I did the following
(which works great for mosml, and should also work for O'Caml)...

A new function "make" is given a directory as an argument, along with a
list of other directories to include in the search/include path, and the
library directory. It attempts to compile all the files in the directory
with the right path suffix (.sig and .sml in my case), also checking along
the way that .grm and .lex files have already been processed. It traces out
the dependencies using mosmldep, constructs a dependency matrix, and
computes the transitive closure using Floyd-Warshall. It sorts the files
and compiles those files that need it.

Given a sequence of directories in the right order (e.g., lib, compiler,
linker, toplevel) it gets the whole job done.

A new toplevel function link takes a single object file. It recursively
traces out the file's load dependencies, and then shares code with make to
compute the transitive closure and sort the files into load order, and then
invokes the usual linker on the sorted list.

Below is a clipping from the manual.



make : string -> string -> string list -> string -> unit


make <oset> <stdlib> [<dir1>..<dirN>] <path>

is equivalent to running mosmlc as follows:

mosmlc -P <oset> -stdlib <stdlib> -I <dir1> .. -I <dirN> <files...>

where <files...> is a subset of the files in directory <path> determined by
tracing out the dependencies among the files and their need for compilation.


link : string -> bool * bool -> string -> string \
-> string list -> string list -> unit


link <file> (<g>,<h>) <oset> <stdlib> [<dir1>..<dirN>] [<file1>..<fileN>]

is equivalent to running mosmllnk as follows

mosmllnk -o <file> {-g} {-noheader} -P <oset> -stdlib <stdlib> \
-I <dir1> .. -I <dirN> <file1>..<fileN>

where -g is included if <g> is true, -noheader is included if <h> is true.

If <oset> is "" then it is replaced by "default"
If <oset> is "lorder" then link does the following:
1- trace out all load dependencies of <file1>..<fileN>
2- include in the list of files to be linked all other files depended upon
if they can be found in any of the specified paths
3- construct a legal link order for the files
4- then link this list as usual

Typically, simply specifying your Main program to be linked will find all
the required .uo files and put them in the right order.


To create a new mosml project, put all the source files in a new directory,
"project." Don't put any incomplete or irrelevant sources in the same
directory or they will be compiled, too. Assuming your project only depends
on library files, evaluate:

let val base = "pathname of the mosml directory"
make "full" (base ^ "mosmllib") [] (base ^ "project")

to compile all your files. Evaluate this each time you have made changes in
your sources to keep the object files up to date.

Here is a sample make and link script to build mosml.image:

(* ********************************** *)

val home = "pathname of the mosml directory";

moolevel := 2;

(* to compile the toplevel mosml image and the lexer *)

let val base = home ^ ":mosml:src:"
make "none" (base ^ "mosmllib") [] (base ^ "mosmllib");
make "none" (base ^ "mosmllib") [] (base ^ "compiler");
make "none" (base ^ "mosmllib") [(base ^ "compiler")] (base ^ "toolssrc");
make "none" (base ^ "mosmllib") [(base ^ "compiler")] (base ^ "lex")

(* to build the toplevel mosml image into file "testtop.image" *)

let val base = "home" ^ ":mosml:src:"
chDir base; chDir "::";
link "testtop.image"
(true,true) (* -g -noheader *)
"lorder" (base ^ "mosmllib") [(base ^ "compiler"),(base ^ "toolssrc")]
