match values

Quercia (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 22:33:04 +0000

Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 22:33:04 +0000
From: Quercia <>
To: caml-list <>
Subject: match values

If you can't read french, please do skip the 51 following lines.

En francais :

Le code Caml suivant ne fonctionne pas comme on pourrait le vouloir :

let f(x,y,z) = match x with
| y -> ...
| z -> ...
| _ -> ...

le compilateur signale que les cas 2 et 3 sont inutiles car le "y"
du match est pris comme un identificateur nouveau et non comme le
deuxieme parametre de "f".

La solution est d'ecrire :

let f(x,y,z) =
if x = y then ...
else if x = z then ...
else ...

ou aussi :

let f(x,y,z) = match 0 with
| _ when x=y -> ...
| _ when x=z -> ...
| _ -> ...

mais ces deux formes ne me plaisent pas !
Peut-on envisager ?

1. de modifier la syntaxe de "match" de sorte que les identificateurs
soient evalues s'ils ne sont pas precedes de "as" comme dans :

match x with
| y -> ... (* comparaison des valeurs x et y *)
| _ as t -> ... (* definition de l'identificateur t *)

1'. sans pour autant modifier les autres formes de filtrage comme :

let (u,v) = ... in ... (* definition des identificateurs u et v *)
let f(u,v) = ... (* idem *)

Il est probable que 1 et 1' sont inconciliables ?

2. d'introduire une nouvelle forme de filtrage "matchval" qui evaluerait
les motifs avant de proceder a la comparaison, en conservant la
de definir un nouvel identificateur par "_ as <ident>" ?


In english :

The following Caml code does not work as one would expect :

let f(x,y,z) = match x with
| y -> ...
| z -> ...
| _ -> ...

the compiler warns that cases #2 & #3 are useless because "y" in the
construct is interpreted as a new identifier and not as the second
of "f".

The solution is to write :

let f(x,y,z) =
if x = y then ...
else if x = z then ...
else ...

or :

let f(x,y,z) = match 0 with
| _ when x=y -> ...
| _ when x=z -> ...
| _ -> ...

but I don't like these constructs !
May I dream about ?

1. modify "match" syntax so that identifiers are evaluated unless they
precededed by "as" as in :

match x with
| y -> ... (* comparison of the values of x and y *)
| _ as t -> ... (* definition of identifier t *)

1'. without modifying other patern-matching forms as :

let (u,v) = ... in ... (* definition of identifiers u and v *)
let f(u,v) = ... (* idem *)

I think that 1 and 1' are incompatible ?

2. introduce a new form of pattern-matching "matchval" which would
the patterns before comparison, preserving the possibility to define a
identifier with a "_ as <ident>" construct ?

Michel Quercia
Lycee Carnot  16 bd Thiers  21000 Dijon
e-mail =