Re: hypertext ML code

Mark Hayden (
Thu, 28 Dec 1995 11:06:55 -0500

Message-Id: <>
To: Valerie Menissier-Morain <>
Subject: Re: hypertext ML code
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 11:06:55 -0500
From: Mark Hayden <>

>Etags (for emacs), ctags (for vi) do this. It seems to me that there was
>a small package to create ml ad hoc tags in the distribution of Caml-Light
>0.6 with the name mletags.

I'm aware of this package. However, it is not exactly what
I want. It provides information to help emacs/vi let you
browse your source code. What I want is a marked-up
version of my source code, so that I can browse it in, for
instance, a WWW browser. I do not believe this is possible
with mletags alone.

My end goal is to combine hypertext source code with
hypertext text documentation (latex source compiled with
latex2html) into a single, browsable hypertext document.
