Re: Ocamlopt might output files in another directory!

Mark Hayden (
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 12:19:44 -0500

Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Ocamlopt might output files in another directory!
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 12:19:44 -0500
From: Mark Hayden <>

We have this problem as well. We structure my source files into multiple directories
and want the .cm* files to be put somewhere else. Our solution is to use a separate
ML program that executes ocamlc/opt and then moves the output files to a destination
directory. This program essentially implements the -o option found in C
compilers. It would be much nicer if the Ocaml compilers supported such an option


>Hello All,
>May I suggest that Ocaml could have the possibility to write all it
>machine or system dependent files elsewhere?
>I'm working in a multiplatform environnement. (We have Suns/SunOS5,
>HPs/HPUX10, PC/Linux2 on the same network).
>So, in C or related langages, I do like to put object and executable
>files elsewhere. I'm using GNU make and just have to write in my
> ## the machine suffix
> export MACHSUFFIX := $(shell $machsuffix)
> endif
> ## the top source directory
> ifndef TOPDIR
> export TOPDIR := $(shell pwd)
> endif
> ## MACHSUFFIX is "x86-linux" on PC/Linux, "sparc-sunos5" on
> ## Sparc/SunOS5, "hppa-hpux10" on "HP/PA/HPUX10
> OBJDIR := $(HOME)/bin.$(MACHSUFFIX)/Objs
> vpath %.o $(OBJDIR)
> $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
> sed_depend_objcmd:= 1,$$s:\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\.o\):\$$(OBJDIR)/\1:
> sed_depend_inccmd:= 1,$$s:\($(TOPDIR)\):\$$(TOPDIR):
> define sed_depend
> $(SED) -e '$(sed_depend_inccmd)' -e '$(sed_depend_objcmd)'
> endef
> CSRCFILES = foo.c bar.c
> COBJFILES := $(patsubst %.c, $(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(CSRCFILES))
> DEPEND:=_depend.$(MACHSUFFIX).mk
> -include $(DEPEND)
> depend:
> date "+ Making depend at %D %T %n"
> date "+## $(DEPEND) file generated on %e %b %Y at %R" > $(DEPEND)
> $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CSRCFILES) | $(sed_depend) >> $(DEPEND)
> $(OBJDIR)/prog: $(COBJFILES)
> $(LINK.c) -o $@ $< $(LOADIBES)
>So with this trick I always do make in the source directory, and,
>depending of the machine, it build object and executable file in the
>system dependent $(OBJDIR).
>I would like to use a similar trick with ocamlopt. But this requires
>that all system dependent files, include *.cmx and *.o, go elsewhere. -the -o
>ocamlopt flags does not do the trick)
>So I wish a -objdir flag to the ocaml driver which gives the output
>More generally, I think that a compiler should be able to compile in a
>directory in which it just have read, not write, permissions.
>I believe these changes are easy to fix -in
>ocaml-1.03/driver/{compile,compileopt}.ml- I might even do them if
>some people (besides myself) are interested!
>N.B. Any opinions expressed here are solely mine, and not of my organization.
>N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.
>Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat à l Energie Atomique
>DRN/DMT/SERMA * CEA/Saclay bat.470 * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
>fax: (33) 01,; phone: 01,; home: 01,
>email: Basile . Starynkevitch @ cea . fr (but remove white space)
>I speak french, english, russian. Je parle français, anglais, russe.