Message-Id: <>
Subject: CAML Light system functions etc.
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 17:52:27 +0200
From: John Harrison <>
A few quick questions about CAML Light:
(1) Is there an interface to "tempnam" or something similar? (For creating
unique temporary filenames). I looked in the "unix" library but couldn't
find anything -- I think it'd be a convenient addition.
(2) I'm not really convinced that integrating signal and exception handling
is a good idea; it's neither pleasant nor efficient to always have to worry
about signal exceptions popping up. Is it possible to make SIGINT terminate
the evaluation of the current toplevel phrase, without passing a signal
exception to the currently executing function?
(3) Is there some hook to allow a user-defined function to be called after
the evaluation and printing of each toplevel phrase? This would be nice for
reporting run statistics etc.
John Harrison | email:
Åbo Akademi University | web:
Department of Computer Science | phone: +358 (9)21 265-4049
Lemminkäisenkatu 14a | fax: +358 (9)21 265-4732
20520 Turku | home: +358 (9)21 2316132
FINLAND | time: UTC+2:00