From: Daniel de Rauglaudre <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Camlp4 0.6
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 12:24:56 +0200 (MET DST)
A new release of Camlp4 is available. Its version number is 0.6
and is compatible with Ocaml version 1.05.
Available by ftp at
camlp4.tar.gz the sources the doc
The changes are displayed at the end of this message.
Projet Cristal - INRIA Rocquencourt
Tel: +33 (01) 39 63 53 51
Changes from 0.5 to 0.6:
--- Installing
* To compile camlp4, it is no more necessary to have the sources of the
Objective Caml compiler available. It can be compiled like any other
Objective Caml program.
--- Options of "camlp4"
* Added option -where: "camlp4 -where" prints the name of the standard
library directory of Camlp4 and exit. So, the ocaml toplevel and the
compiler can use the option:
-I `camlp4 -where`
* Added option -nolib to not search for objects files in the installed
library directory of Camlp4.
--- Interface of grammar library modules
* The function Grammar.keywords returns now a list of pairs. The pair is
composed of a keyword and the number of times it is used in entries.
* Changed interface of Token and Grammar for lexers, so user lexers have
to be changed.
--- New features in grammars
* New instruction "DELETE_RULE" provided by pa_extend.cmo to delete rules.
DELETE_RULE Pcaml.expr: "if" END;
deletes the "if" instruction of the language.
* Added the ability to parse some specific integer in grammars: a possible
parameter to INT, like the ones for LIDENT and UIDENT.
* In instruction EXTEND, ability to omit "-> action", default is "-> ()"
* Ability to add antiquotation (between $'s) as symbol rule, of type string,
interpreted as a keyword, in instruction EXTEND.
* Ability to put entries with qualified names ( in instruction EXTEND.
--- Quotations
* The module Ast has been renamed MLast. The quotation expander "q_ast.cmo"
has been renamed "q_MLast.cmo".
* Quotation expanders are now of two kinds:
- The "classical" type for expanders returning a string. These expanders
have now a supplementary parameter: a boolean value set to "True"
when the quotation is in a context of an expression an to "False"
when the quotation is in a context of a pattern. These expanders,
returning strings which are parsed afterwards, may work for some
language syntax and/or language extensions used (e.g. may work for
Righteous syntax and not for Ocaml syntax).
- A new type of expander returning directly syntax trees. A pair
of functions, for expressions and for patterns must be provided.
These expanders are independant from the language syntax and/or
extensions used.
* The predefined quotation expanders "ctyp_", "patt_" and "expr_" has
been deleted; one can use "ctyp", "patt", and "expr" in position of
pattern or expression.
--- Ocaml and Righteous syntaxes
* Fixed bug: "open Foo.Bar" was converted (pr_dump.cmo) into "open Bar.Foo"
* Corrected behavior different from Ocaml's: "^" and "@" were at the same
level than "=": now, like Ocaml, they have a separated right associative
--- Grammars behavior
* While extending entries: default position is now "extension of the
first level", instead of "adding a new level at the end".
* Another Change: in each precedence level, terminals are inserted before
other symbols (non terminals, lists, options, etc), LIDENT "foo" before
LIDENT (alone) and UIDENT "foo" before UIDENT (alone). New rules not
factorizable are now inserted before the other rules.
* Changed algorithm of entries parsing: each precedence level is tested
against the stream *before* its next precedences levels (instead of
EXTEND e: [[ LIDENT "a" -> "xxx" ] | [ i = LIDENT -> i ]]; END;
Now, parsing the entry e with the string "a" returns "xxx" instead of "a"
* Less keywords in instruction EXTEND (LEFTA, LIDENT, etc), which can be
used now as normal identifiers.
* When inserting a new rule, a warning appears if a rule with the
same production already existed (it is deleted).
* Parse error messages (Gstream.Error) are formatted => spaces trigger
Format.print_space and newlines trigger Format.force_newline.
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