Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 14:07:31 -0700
From: Robbert VanRenesse <>
Subject: Re: String wishes for Ocaml
Here's a simple scanf facility. It needs more work, probably. The idea
is that you do something like
sscanf "3 hello more" "%d%s"
and it returns the list
[ Int 3; String "hello"; End 7 ]
(where 7 is the offset into the string where it stopped scanning).
iscanf is like sscanf, but you can specify a starting offset into
the string.
(* Author: Robbert vanRenesse, Cornell University *)
exception Parse_error
type value =
Char of char
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| End of int
val iscanf : string -> int -> string -> value list
val sscanf : string -> string -> value list
val print_result : value list -> unit
(* SCANF.ML *)
(* Author: Robbert vanRenesse *)
* This implements sscanf. It returns a list of the matched items.
open Printf
exception Parse_error
type value
= Char of char
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| End of int
let iscanf str offset fmt =
(* See if c is included in one of the characters in the string chars.
let included c chars =
let len = String.length chars in
let rec find i =
if i = len then false
else if c = (String.get chars i) then true
else find (i + 1)
in find 0
let len_str = String.length str in
(* Return a substring of s, starting at offset i, consisting of
* characters in the given string chars. Also return the new offset.
let scan_chunk s i chars =
let len_s = String.length s in
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_s) && (included (String.get s !j) chars) do
incr j
((if i = !j then "" else String.sub s i (!j - i)), !j)
(* Return a substring of s, starting at offset i, consisting of
* characters *not* in the given string chars. Also return the
* new offset.
and scan_but_chunk s i chars =
let len_s = String.length s in
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_s) && not (included (String.get s !j) chars) do
incr j
((if i = !j then "" else String.sub s i (!j - i)), !j)
(* Skip all blanks starting at offset i. Return the new offset.
let skip_blanks i =
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_str) && (included (String.get str !j) " \t\n") do
incr j
let scan_char i =
(String.get str i, i + 1)
and scan_int i =
let (s, i) = scan_chunk str i "0123456789" in
(int_of_string s, i)
and scan_float i =
let (s, i) = scan_chunk str i "0123456789.eE" in
(float_of_string s, i)
and scan_string i =
scan_but_chunk str i " \t\n"
let len_fmt = String.length fmt in
(* i is an offset in str, and j an offset in fmt. Scan the next item
* as specified in fmt.
let rec doscan i j =
let do_match c j =
if (String.get str i) = c then
doscan (i + 1) j
raise Parse_error
if j = len_fmt then
[End i]
let c = String.get fmt j in
if j < (len_fmt - 1) & c = '%' then
match String.get fmt (j + 1) with
| 'c' ->
let (v, i) = scan_char i in
(Char v) :: (doscan i (j + 2))
| 'd' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_int i in
(Int v) :: (doscan i (j + 2))
| 'f' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_float i in
(Float v) :: (doscan i (j + 2))
| 's' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_string i in
(String v) :: (doscan i (j + 2))
| '[' ->
if (String.get fmt (j + 2)) = '^' then
let (chars, j) = scan_but_chunk fmt (j + 3) "]" in
let (v, i) = scan_but_chunk str i chars
in (String v) :: (doscan i (j + 1))
let (chars, j) = scan_but_chunk fmt (j + 2) "]" in
let (v, i) = scan_chunk str i chars
in (String v) :: (doscan i (j + 1))
| _ as c ->
do_match c (j + 2)
do_match c (j + 1)
in doscan offset 0
let sscanf str fmt =
iscanf str 0 fmt
(* For debugging...
let rec print_result =
let print = function
| Char c ->
printf "Char '%c'\n" c
| Int v ->
printf "Int '%d'\n" v
| Float v ->
printf "Float '%f'\n" v
| String v ->
printf "String '%s'\n" v
| End o ->
printf "End '%d'\n" o
in function
| hd :: tl ->
print hd; flush stdout;
print_result tl
| [] ->
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