Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 16:36:09 +0200
Message-Id: <>
From: Christian Boos <>
Subject: sscanf hack
Voila un [sscanf] derive de celui poste par Robbert, mais qui utilise
en plus le type predefini format qui permet de construire un type
currifie correspondant aux specifications donnees dans la chaine de
formatage. Il y a moyen d'utiliser ce type pour realiser un sscanf
type, un peu a la maniere du printf actuel. Ce n'est pas 100%
parfait, mais je pense que c'est tout ce qu'on peut faire avec le
support actuel du compilateur qui a ete pense pour le formattage de
In this mail, you will found a modified version of Robbert's sscanf
that use the famous ('just, 'a, 'hack) format :)
The use of sscanf is more intuitive here than in the original version,
which used a "value" variant list for retrieving the scanned values.
Now, you can write simple things, like:
# sscanf (fun three str -> three,str) "3 hello more" "%d%s";;
- : int * string = 3, "hello more"
However, the tags "%a" and "%t" are not supported: using them will
produces a run-time exception (if you manage to write something that
can be correctly typed).
What is really needed is a construct like :
let (three, str) = sscanf "3 hello more" "%d%s" in ...
but this will require an explicit support of the compiler, with a new
built-in type [input_format] (the old [format] should then become
[output_format]). Perhaps the tags "%a" and "%t" might be implemented
then (permitting to write something like:
let (a, b) = sscanf "(1,2) (3,4)" "%a%a" scan_cplx scan_cplx
Overall, Xavier is right saying that the scanf in C is not flexible at
all, but if you look closer at Robbert's code, you'll see that he
included a small support for ranges ("%[abc]" or "%[^abc]" for
example (*)). This makes his sscanf a little more flexible.
One could think of adding more enhancements. A big one would be the
'fscanf' function (for scanning input_channels). This way, we can
have "light weight" string parsing utilities in the standard library
which may be preferred to using the external Str package. For those
having the need of more complex regexps, the Str machinery is
certainly a better way to go.
-- Christian
(*) I had to change this to "%s[abc]" and "%s[^abc]", because the "%["
is rejected by the compiler when inside a format string. I also
changed the meaning of "%s" to match a full line (stop at '\n'). To
get the original behavior, use "%sw", which is equivalent to
"%s[^ \t\n]".
(* *)
(* *)
(* Robbert VanRenesse, <> *)
(* Christian Boos <> *)
(* Fri Jul 4 13:35:40 MET DST 1997 *)
(* *)
(* This one is closer to the Printf.sprintf function *)
(* (all %X implemented but %t and %a) *)
(* *)
(* anyone wants to add a fscanf feature ? :) *)
(* Module [Scanf]: formatting input functions *)
exception Scan_error
val iscanf: 'a -> string -> int -> ('a, unit, 'b) format -> 'b * int
(* [iscanf f str offset format] scans [str] according to the format
string [format], then calls [f] with arguments built from the
converted parts of [str] as specified in the format, and returns
the result of [f v1 ... vn] along with the position in [str]
where the scan ended.
The format is a character string which contains two types of
objects: plain characters, which are simply expected to be
found in the same order in the string [str], and conversion
specifications, each of which causes conversion of a fragment
of [str]. The resulting value will be passed to the [f] callback.
Conversion specifications consist in the [%] character,
followed by optional flags (no field widths for now), followed by
one conversion character.
The conversion characters and their meanings are:
- [d], [i], [u], [x], [X]: convert a string of digits
(in any form) to integer
- [s]: get a string ...
Some flags may follow the [s] character:
- [s]: get a line (get the string until a '\n' or the
end of the string is reached),
- [sw]: get a word (stop at a blank character),
- [s[abc]]: get a string containing 'a', 'b' or 'c'
characters only,
- [s[^abc]]: get a string containing any character except
'a', 'b' or 'c'
- [c]: get a character
- [f], [e], [E], [g] or [G]: convert a string of digits
(including decimal point and exponent notation) to
a floating point value.
- [b]: convert the strings "t", "true" (or capitalized), or "1"
to the value true, and the strings "f", "false" (or
capitalized), or "0" to the value false.
- [a], [t]: user-defined scanners are not supported.
If the string cannot be parsed according to the format, the
[Scan_error] exception is raised.
val sscanf: 'a -> string -> ('a, unit, 'b) format -> 'b
(* [sscanf f str format] is like iscanf but slightly less general:
it starts at the offset 0 and don't return back the position where
the scan ended.
let iscanf (f : 'a) str offset (fmt : ('a, unit, 'b) format) : ('b * int) =
* -- String utilities
(* See if c is included in one of the characters in the string chars.
let included c chars =
let len = String.length chars in
let rec find i =
if i = len then false
else if c = (String.unsafe_get chars i) then true
else find (succ i)
in find 0
let len_str = String.length str in
(* Return a substring of s, starting at offset i, consisting of
* characters in the given string chars. Also return the new offset.
let scan_chunk s i chars =
let len_s = String.length s in
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_s) && (included (String.unsafe_get s !j) chars) do
incr j
((if i = !j then "" else String.sub s i (!j - i)), !j)
(* Return a substring of s, starting at offset i, consisting of
* characters *not* in the given string chars. Also return the
* new offset.
and scan_but_chunk s i chars =
let len_s = String.length s in
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_s) && not (included (String.unsafe_get s !j) chars) do
incr j
((if i = !j then "" else String.sub s i (!j - i)), !j)
(* Skip all blanks starting at offset i. Return the new offset.
let skip_blanks i =
let j = ref i in
while (!j < len_str) && (included (String.unsafe_get str !j) " \t\n") do
incr j
(* Scan chars, ints, floats, words, strings and bools
let scan_char i =
(String.unsafe_get str i, succ i)
and scan_int i =
let (s, i) = scan_chunk str i "0123456789" in
(int_of_string s, i)
and scan_float i =
let (s, i) = scan_chunk str i "0123456789.eE" in
(float_of_string s, i)
and scan_word i =
scan_but_chunk str i " \t\n"
and scan_string i =
scan_but_chunk str i "\n" in
let scan_bool i =
match String.unsafe_get str i with
'1' -> (true, succ i)
| '0' -> (false, succ i)
| _ ->
let (s, i) = scan_word i in
match s with
"t" | "T" | "true" | "TRUE" -> (true, i)
| "f" | "F" | "false" | "FALSE" -> (false, i)
| _ -> failwith "bool_of_string"
* -- Scanner
let fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
let len_fmt = String.length fmt
(* In the following, i is an offset in str, and j an offset in fmt. *)
(* The format specifies two sort of matches:
* - trivial match (characters need to be the same in [str] and in [fmt]
* - item match (as specified by a % tag)
(* Scan the next item as specified in fmt.
let rec doscan i j =
let do_match c j = (* perform a trivial match and proceed *)
if (String.unsafe_get str i) = c then
doscan (succ i) j
raise Scan_error
if j = len_fmt then (* end of format reached ; return i *)
([], i)
let c = String.unsafe_get fmt j in
if c = '%' && j < pred len_fmt then (* format tag : match an item *)
match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ j) with
| 's' ->
let add_string () =
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_string i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 2)
if j < (len_fmt - 2) then
match String.unsafe_get fmt (j + 2) with
| '[' -> (* get ... *)
if (String.get fmt (j + 3)) = '^' then (* all but *)
let (chars, j) = scan_but_chunk fmt (j + 4) "]" in
let (v, i) = scan_but_chunk str i chars in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (succ j)
else (* only *)
let (chars, j) = scan_but_chunk fmt (j + 3) "]" in
let (v, i) = scan_chunk str i chars in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (succ j)
| 'w' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_word i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 3)
| _ -> add_string ()
add_string ()
| 'c' ->
let (v, i) = scan_char i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 2)
| 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_int i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 2)
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_float i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 2)
| 'b' ->
let i = skip_blanks i in
let (v, i) = scan_bool i in
add_match (Obj.repr v) i (j + 2)
| 'a' | 't' -> failwith "%a and %t tags unsupported"
| _ as c ->
do_match c (j + 2)
else (* trivial match *)
do_match c (succ j)
(* Prepend the current item
and add_match v_repr i j =
let (matches, last_i) = doscan i j in
(v_repr :: matches, last_i)
(* Some magic needed ... (type annotation added for clarity)
let (matches, last_i) = doscan offset 0 in
(List.fold_left (fun g elt -> (Obj.magic (g elt) : Obj.t -> Obj.t))
(Obj.magic f : Obj.t -> Obj.t)
: 'b), last_i)
let sscanf f str fmt =
fst (iscanf f str 0 fmt)
(* end *)
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