>>>>> "Max" == Max Skaller <maxs@in.ot.com.au> writes:
Max> Gerd Stolpmann wrote:
>> We all know that Windows is not a serious operating system
>> because it lacks support for many tasks we all EXPECT from an
>> operating system.
Max> ? I do not understand. I run NT at home, and it
Max> supports a LOT of functionality I expect from an operating
Max> system that my Linux box does not.
Although I do prefer Linux to Microsoft systems I really think that OS
flamewars definitely DO NOT belong to the Ocaml list.
N.B. Any opinions expressed here are only mine, and not of my organization.
N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.
Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat à l Energie Atomique
DTA/LETI/DEIN/SLA * CEA/Saclay b.528 (p111f) * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
phone: 1,; fax: home: 1,
email: Basile point Starynkevitch at cea point fr
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