NML ps..

From: David McClain (dmcclain@azstarnet.com)
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 22:44:58 MET

  • Next message: Markus Mottl: "Re: to have labels or not"

    BTW, I should also like to point out that the sources and makefiles in the
    distribution produce not only the interactive NML tools, but they also make
    a DLL for use by any other program, and a COM server version with both a
    low-level interface and an IDispatch interface for VBasic. Also included is
    a sample of use from VBasic. Finally, there is a Mathlink version of NML
    that allows Mathematica 3.x/4.x to call on the numeric services of
    NML/IPLib. That way no one is tied to my particular paradigm -- feel free to
    use it in any of these ways...

    - DM

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