Hello list,
I'm trying to write a class for doing a finite mapping of "terms"
on some value 'a.
A term is defined as:
type term = Term of term list | Atom
The idea is to have a class term_map that maps terms on 'a (as said above)
which uses another class termlist_map that maps "term list"'s on 'a.
A term_map can contain a termlist_map; when it is given a Term <somelist>,
then it asks its termlist_map to get the value for <somelist>.
Similarly, a termlist_map contains a term_map, in which it looks up the
head of the list (for a non-empty list). The result of this look-up should
be another termlist_map, in which the tail of the list is looked up.
(See for the complete code the end of this message.)
The problem is that the type inferencing gives me a type that is too
restrictive: according to ocaml, the expression "new term_map"
has type:
((Objtest.term list, 'a) Objtest.map as 'a) Objtest.term_map
whereas I would expect (and want it to have) just "'_a Objtest.term_map".
It appears to me (after reading some older postings on the list) that
the two classes have a polymorphic recursive relation. I.e.
"'a term_map" contains a "'a termlist_map", which in turn contains
a "('a termlist_map) term_map". Which leads the typechecker
to identify "'a" with "'a termlist_map" (a synonym of which is
"(term list, 'a) map". Which is not useful for me.
Does anyone have any ideas for an elegant solution to work around this
Stephan Houben
-- begin code
type term = Term of term list | Atom
let access opt =
match opt with
None -> raise Not_found
| Some s -> s
class type ['key, 'value] map =
method find : 'key -> 'value
method add : 'key -> 'value -> unit
class ['value] term_map =
val mutable term : (term list, 'value) map option = None
val mutable atom : 'value option = None
method find (trm : term) : 'value =
match trm with
Term lst -> (access term)#find lst
| Atom -> access atom
method add (trm : term) (value : 'value) : unit =
match trm with
Term lst ->
(if term = None then term <- Some (new termlist_map);
(access term)#add lst value)
| Atom -> atom <- Some value
and ['value] termlist_map =
val mutable nonempty : (term, (term list, 'value) map) map option = None
val mutable empty : 'value option = None
method find (lst : term list) : 'value =
match lst with
x :: xs -> ((access nonempty)#find x)#find xs
| [] -> (access empty)
method add (lst : term list) (value : 'value) : unit =
match lst with
x :: xs ->
(if nonempty = None then nonempty <- Some (new term_map);
let tailmap =
(access nonempty)#find x
with Not_found ->
let tailmap = new termlist_map
(access nonempty)#add x tailmap; tailmap)
in tailmap#add xs value)
| [] -> empty <- Some value
-- end code
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