Re: reference initialization

From: Hongwei Xi (
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 20:59:16 MET DST

  • Next message: Judicael Courant: "Typechecking of recursive variants"

    Okay, I withdraw my argument that the Java strategy is better then
    the ML strategy However, I'd like to use the following example
    to make my point clear.

    I want to combine two arrays into one. Here is the code in OCaml.

    let combine_arrays a b =
      let alen = Array.length a in
      let blen = Array.length b in
      let c = Array.make (alen + blen) ?
      in begin
        for i = 0 to alen - 1 do
          c.(i) <- a.(i)
        for i = 0 to blen -1 do
          c.(alen + i) <- b.(i)

    Of course, you need to provide ? to make the above code work.
    Here is my argument:

    (1) If you try to provide ?, the code becomes repulsive.
    (2) If you really want to make sure that 'c' is well-initialized,
    you should probably check this after those two loops. The question
    is how to incorporate the checking result into the type system.
    (3) If you initialize 'c' with a (wrong) value, it seems to me
    that nothing is achieved.
    (4) Also, the problem cannot be solved using option type.

    This is a precise senario that I had in mind, where the kind of
    mandatory array initialization in ML-like langugages is simply
    inappropriate, isn't it?



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